Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Top 10 Best and worst films of 2017

Best Films

1 The Greatest showman
2, war for the planet of the apes
3. Woman woman
4. Only the Brave
5. Dunkirk
6. John Wick: Chapter 2
7. Life
8. IT
9. Kong: skull island
10. Bright

Worst Films

1. Star wars last Jedi
2.  Jeepers Creepers III
3. Power Rangers
4. The Mummy
5. Chips
6. Thor 3 Ragnorok
7. Spiderman homecoming
8. justice league
9. Amityville: The Awakening
10.  Cult of Chucky

Sunday, 17 December 2017

The Reason Starwars 8: The Last Jedi is An Incoherent Mess.

When it come's to Critics in general you can always tell when critics are payed off by a company just to give great reviews so they can get more people in seat's, even when their film is so incoherently misleading and the story alone is a mess with plot holes and flaws you can always tell from this that these critics we're payed off.

This clearly is blatant in the face with starwars 8 the last Jedi that Disney know's full dam well this film is a mess yet realise it anyway, proving that Disney doesnt seem to give dam about it franchise's. Alot of people have praised this film where a lot of said this film truly suck everyone is entitled to opinion, but a few have people take it apoun themselves to attack people that have a difference of opinion which is so dumb it unreal.

But those that praise the film ya it ok to praise a film and that your opinion, but it doesnt stop the fact the film is a mess, here is a list of reason why to put into perspective that The Last Jedi is an embarrassment to the starwars franchise and should never of left the writing table the way it was.

1. Drop subplots from Force Awakens
The Last Jedi start off like the First order had control of the whole galaxy but yet their base was destroyed, it like the director didnt watch force awakens. When first order destroy several planets this should've rallied the rebels to fight against the first order, having no base  to command from they shouldn't have control over the galaxy, yet in last Jedi the first order suddenly went from having a base blown up to controlling the galaxy - this doesn't make sense at all.

From force awakens Han solo clearly stated that Luke left to find the old Jedi temple after ren turn to the dark side, even in the last Jedi Luke state to rey did you think i came here to the temple for no reason.

But here where it make no sense, why did he leave a star map with R2D2 to where he was if he was needed, if he only came to the old Jedi temple to die? This whole plot from force awaken was completely drop here and made no sense what so ever in last Jedi when clearly he only came there to die.

Rey vision that was shown to her in force awaken, we saw klyo ren with the knights of ren, where we're they in the last Jedi, complete no mention or scene with them anywhere.

The end when they sent out a help signal to get the rest of rebels, did this director forget that several planets we're destroyed by the star killer, i doubt if there is any rebel fleet left which make this plot incoherent to force awakens.

2. Humour and Tone issues 

The main problem with this film was the humour did match with this darker tone movie, i'l be honest it was much darker that revenge of sith and the humour didn't work for the film. The whole Canto bight scene just wasn't funny and it was overly stupid.

At the beginning of the film the moment with poe and hucks was seriously the worst dialog ive ever seen in a film with this over the top Monty python comedy. Which just complete destroyed this bad ass as scene with poe having a stand off alone against the dreadnought, this dialog alone was just bad for the film though the whole film Huck's just felt like a Monty python character that you just couldn't take serious enough.

What the hell was this Luke scene jerk off a creatures, its just the way the creature look over at Rey as well, (WTH ) was this scene, seriously necessary for this film, not sure whether that was meant to to be funny but it was something that wasn't need in this film.

Finn leaking water from his suit, not sure whether this was meant to be comic relief , but it just wasn't funny. Another pointless scene to get a laugh was the irons that the scene made look like ship landing we're just iron boards, just a pointless scene.

3. Phasma Death

After all Disney has been saying that Phasma is going to be the bobba fett of this new trilogy and them saying she got a bigger role in this film, they go and kill her off after one film, like wth Disney. This is not only a disgrace to the actress playing her but also a disgrace to the character.

What make it worst is the fact the only way to know who she is and where she comes from, is in a book that no one is probable not gonna read, which should've been in the film. It was a complete 100% waste of a character, not to mention how the hell did she get off star killer from force awakens it just feels like a complete waste of character to have her in this movie. 

4. Leia Moment in the last Jedi

I'm not gonna go into the whole using Jedi powers thing to keep her self alive, but this whole scene was the biggest disrespect to her character ever and to Akbar as well killing him off with no respect what so ever was a joke.
But leia flying back to the ship was a joke in a half, reason why i saying this is because the bridge had been blown into space clearly no shields and decompressed.

Here where this scene is so stupid and flawed is the fact they had her return from space like superman, and then open the door like it was nothing. Common sense here would dictate that door would have pressurised from the space outside and the moment they opened the door they would have been sucked out in to space.

Not being funny this is where Leia should've have had her end in the film, because it now causes a problem for starwars 9, because she past away before any scene were filmed and they refusing to use cg.i out of respect if become a problem for them.

5. Rey parent being reveal

For months we have been spoon fed theory's on who's rey parents maybe and could be, we get this massive build up through force awakens story on the mystery of her parents, to get a seriously lazy ass written reveal of her parents being no body's like calling them trash junkers.

This was the biggest flat reveal ever so disappointing, but something feels off about it because the plot line in starwars battle front 2 game seem to be her parents. But this reveal just made her un-special in the film, this is bad for the main character concept of this film because it make her character flat an uninteresting now.

6. Rey training

Where the hell is her training in this film, not once do we see her being trained in the ways of the force other than Luke tell her to feel the force. Yet she some how has a little training with the light sabra but no explanation to how, the fact she once again had no Jedi training but manged to take on 10 predatorian guard in snoke chamber who were fully trained. Sorry but this make no sense.         

7. Finn and Rose subplot.

This whole thing complete ruined the whole film as it was completely pointless and ended up flat and didnt going any where. This just felt like this scene was to just keep Finn in the film to do something instead of giving him a more meaningful. Like at least make him a Jedi for crying out loud.

This whole side adventure while everything esle was going on was pointless in the film only to be betrayed after it. It felt like lazy writing and pointless that it could have been use to have Rey being train by Luke.

These scene didn't feel like a starwars as it felt more political, like slavary is bad, animal cruelty is bad, greed of society is bad, which didnt feel like a starwars moment.

Not to mention the scene when Rose stop Finn from a suicide attempt, i mean there is a row of these AT -AT looking at them and they would have just blown him away. Not to mention the distance from where they were, how did they get back inside the base so fast? this doesnt make sense and big flaw in the film.

8. Snoke Death

I'm not sure how many would agree but what the F-ing hell was the point of introducing a mysterious major villain like snoke that clearly is more powerful than sidious was, to kill him off in the follow film. This completely made no sense what so ever and one hell of a pointless introduction if you were gonna do this.

Everyone keep's saying that sidious did noticed Darth Vader feeling before he kill him, yet failed to realise just how powerful snoke truly is. If the guy can manipulate Rey and Kylo from across the galaxy and so in tune in the force plus knowing everything kylo is thinking, Kylo shouldn't of been able to kill snoke with a light sabra next to him. Snoke would have sense him pretty easy which make this scene completely flawed as hell.

Here the thing as well he set up so well to be the main villain of the film yet so wasted, what makes it worst is no one know who the hell snoke is other then he from the outer rim, which i believe this is what sidious was interested in.

9. Luke legacy mess up

Disney well and truly destroyed the character of luck, even mark Hamill said the script before doing this film was seriously mess up. I'n the film they portrayed Luke a killer of his own family which isnt Luke at all, because going back to the return of the Jedi he wait on a suicide mission to save the second most evil man in the universe his father, so why the hell was he written in the last Jedi to kill his own family.

This was the biggest mistake in character ever as Luke wouldnt kill his own family, even Mark Hamill said this as well with the script being bad for the character.

10. Death of Luke sky walker

As bad ass as that scene was when Luke appears at the planet leia was, it was still bad writing. Why? Because why have him in the confrontation with kylo to kill him or kylo to kill Luke, but Luke wasn't there as he was using Jedi power called force projection which was good and all. But If he was gonna die anyway, what was the point of having him turn up as a force projection when he could have just turned up himself to fight klyo and died a hero.

This was a complete betrayal of his character for the way he died instead of a Marta which would have rallied the rebel more. Complete lazy writing here.

Not to mention the light sabra Luke was using was complete stupid because kylo should've have notice the light sabra Luke was he was hold.

Biggest plot holes in the movie:

11. The chase Fleet scene

This is seriously bad writing here ,why was this scene dragging on so much when the first order could easy wipe out this small feet easy and gone on their way, they could've of launched the fighters which could've cause damage and wipe them out.

Not to mention this was a small fleet of 100, so why were they even bothering with them when they could've be out controlling the rest of the galaxy, plus they have Snoke flag ship that could destroyed these ships easy with orbit canons.

This dragging scene felt like wasted scene that could have been used for Rey training with Luke at the old Jedi temple.

12. Vice Admiral Holdo

Why the hell didn't she just let poe in on her planes from the beginning, because this wouldn't of resulted in losing ship escaping to the planet, it wouldn't of need the whole finn and rose going to canto which was a wasted scenes in the film. This was just a dumb moment in this film with bad writing.

13. X-wing vs Dreadnought

How incoherent do you have to be writing in a seemly first order being this strong army yet stupid enough to realise that a single X-wing fighter can more faster than then the turbo laser's. You would think after years of fighting they would come up with a better way of taking out a single x-wing.

It just doesnt make sense that a single x-wing can destroy a dreadnought and can take out the defences, they still dont understand how the rebel order fights, its just stupid when you send 12 bomber to destroy one when a single x-wing can do the job you wasted lives.

14 - The blue light sabra kylo smashed

Why didnt kylo see through the deception via the blue light sabra during the final confrontation being so powerful.

15. Darth Vader obsession

Kylo Ren was obsessed with Vader which was set up in force awakens , which seem to have been drop in the last Jedi therefore no reason for Ren to go to snoke and listen to him.

16. Rey's Jedi sudden training  

Rey didnt get formal light sabra training yet fights like she has, this make no sense what so ever in the film as she didnt have any from force awakens iver.

17. Snoke doesnt know his own ship
 Snoke flag ship can track targets through hyperspace yet apparently snoke doesn't even know about...bad writing again.

18. How did rey know where they are?

Rey just happen's to be in the right place without being told where they are to move the rocks which she had zero focused training for to lift them out the way.

19. Finn sudden recovery

Biggest flaw ever Finn was seriously damaged in the force awakens to suddenly be ok in the last Jedi, not only thing his jack hasn't suffered any damage what so ever from having a light sabra slash up the back.

20. stupid love subplot 

Rose failing in love in less than 12 hours was such a stupid waste of a plot.

21. Film rushed.

The whole film feels complete rushed to get the sky walker arc out the way, when this type of film should've been done better and left until at least starwars 9. 

These are all the flaws i found in this film which are 10 more then what i found in force awakens, now its ok if you enjoyed the film you think it great, but there is no denying that this film is massive flawed and incoherent with these flaws. This is embarrassment to the starwars franchise from Disney who should've made this film better than this, i cant believe this even got off the ground let alone let from the writing room in this state.

If Disney continue down this path their plans for starwars extended universe will be over, because people will stop watching them soon.

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Movie Knights Spoiler Talk: Justice League What Went Wrong?

Written By Movie Knights

Ok let's be honest here before you start jumping down my throat saying i'm just another hater of this film which, yes, i know a lot of people think this is a masterpiece, but i don't think these people even know what a masterpiece is these days.
 This isn’t an article to hate on the film as it's an article to point out why i feel this film is a sloppy mess despite some part of the film being good. Sadly there is a lot of problems with this film, which is the reason for the box office boom. So let's look at what went wrong and what they got right.

Superman Character without a doubt Henry Cavill was the perfect casting choice for superman's character due to his nature as a person and as an actor you can't deny that, from Man of Steel, Batman v Superman and now Justice League he's proven that very thing. With Justice League it was a bold move on how they brought him back with one of the mother boxes, which was done right on screen with him not knowing who he was or where he was since he's been dead for months, and it works.

The other things addressed which worked was the moment Superman attacked clearly not knowing who they we're when flash tried to come up from behind him, it was this point that was good for Superman because even though the flash is faster than light Superman has supervision as we saw in Man of steel when he could see the ship in orbit.

Also addressed the nightmare scene as well Lois being the key if she had died at any point before his resurrection, they wouldn't of been able to anchor Kal El he would have join Steppenwolf so this is clearly put in there

What when wrong?

I think the biggest some what disappointment but easily forgivable with this film is that they didn't really keep to the comic when it came to the event of Batman v Superman to which i mean the death of Superman, here is where they had the opportunity to bring him back with the iconic black and silver suit, not that it needed it but still they missed that Opportunity here.

The other fact was because of the film only being 2hrs it made Superman’S recovery time too fast, sadly this is a big flaw in the film story even for a kryptonian that was way too too fast. The way he was written to be brought back wasn't even close to how he originally came back but i’m guessing it was changed for the film.

The Flash's character not sure if it was rewrites or re-shoots but the character of Barry Allen was all wrong, this is or isn't? because of the casting, Ezra Miller is a brilliant actor, its just the way he was written in. The running at high speed was perfect because if you look at an ice speed skater, you recognize the movement which is attention to detail, plus the suit design is perfect because it's designed from the specs of NASA’s shuttle with heat resistant and electricity interference which is explained in the film. 

What else is wrong is the way they had Flash, this kid in a sweet shop acting like a weird kid with a witty humor. This isn't Barry: he’s more straight going and a little reserved,
Wally West is the wise cracking speedster but Barry is not. The reason why i say this is you have to look at his life, his mom was killed in front of him and his dad is accused of this murder and put in jail. Barry realistically wouldn't be the way he is portrayed in the Justice League, which is another flaw in the story.

Wonder woman character i can't help but think they held her character back in this film as she the most experienced fighter there, this film does somehow holds her back i did notice this especially when she was facing Steppenwolf it like they slightly nerfed her a little. Apart from that, Gal Gadot is without a doubt the best casting choice for this character.

With Aquaman and Cyborg characters they we're done pretty well giving more depth to their characters, all though i do feel these characters we're under used in the film in area's. Ya there not a lot aqua man can do on land because he's powers are connected the sea and water, we do get some moments where he has some funny moments. With Cyborg I felt the some emotion but not a whole bunch I think a lot of his scenes were cut, which would have given his character more depth.

Here where the film goes complete wrong!

It's not the visual effect although a few Superman close-up with a C.G.I makeover to get rid of that mustache because of paramount which henry cavill was still filming at the time and under contract not to remove, it seriously looked bad on screen and should've been done right,
 plus it's not the critics or the fans trash talking the film iver let's be honest here.

 The biggest problem this film had was the 2 hrs time limit forced on the film by CEO Kevin Tsujihara demanded on the film to be. This completely made the film of this size feel rushed which did not give the film any time for the characters to develop which i explained with Superman as well, which didn't help.

  This i can’t emphasize enough the Light tone only works if you have characters that need a light tone in certain scenes for humor. However no matter what people say, a film being completely light toned, you’re turning the whole film into a toned down comedy or child's film which kills any villains presence being menacing.

Which is whats happen here with the Justice League and why it wasn’t booming in box office sadly it’s nothing to do with critics or the fans it the film itself, even though i gave this an 8 out of 10 in my review, this film was ruined by this very thing. By cutting most of Snyder scenes for Joss Weldon re-shoot and rewrites they compromised the film integrity leaving it with no substance.

With wonder woman it was take two step forward in making a dc good again, but then taking two step back from an unbalance justice league film that made the mistake of using the light tone for the whole film. This killed any emotional content or gritty drama from the film because it was to happy go lucky with it tone, this is why steppen wolf came off as this weak ass villain on screen and just a punching bag for superman.

I'm sorry to say this even for a DC fan this film is a weak dumb down movie just to appease the fanboys complaining about the darker tone, instead of getting a balanced film to make steppen wolf a bad ass on screen and looking menacing also allowing emotional context in the film; we get an over light toned marvel avengers 2.5 film which felt like a disappointed.

This film should've been like wonder woman in one with a balance of light tone in certain scene that needed humor and darker tone for the villain and drama scenes to give some emotion grounded substance to the film which sadly this is not what we got, i blame Joss Whedon and the CEO of Warner bros for this messy film. 

So people need to stop blaming critics and fans bad reviews for the drop in box office, the film does that it self, i warned ages ago if Warner bros turns DC in to marvel it will back fire because the characters of DC are darker than the one in marvel thats just a fact. By making this film over the top light tone DC lost its identity which sadly could cost this universe.

This only why Warner bros can fix this mess is to sperate Warners bros from DC have a contract so no CEO can interfere in the progress of the film and let the directors make the film without inference, because this is the problem DC is having Warner bros interfering in things they dont have a clue in.

All Warner bros should be doing its marketing and stop interfering in a director work, marvel doesnt have that much inference other than Disney control over the rating for the films, Warners bros should be doing the same but not copying this childish tone. Because if DC can get every film with a balance like wonder woman trust me DC films would be successful, but as far as justice league film goes it was a sloppy mess thanks to micromanagement which needs to stop.

I believe Patty jerkins would've had a better result that Joss with finishing this film because she has a greater respect for his work than joss, no office to people say joss is good at what he does sadly no avengers 2 was mediocre and if you look back at the Alien 3 script he wrote where we would of had a power rangers style ending with xenomorphs you would see just how much of a hack he is. From what ive heard he is no fired from bat-girl which i hope is true. 

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Metal Gear Movie in Development

Written By Movie knights

WOW it look like it finally happening with a metal gear solid movie and ya most of us know about 10 years ago this was mention that this film could be happening like the halo film at the time, but seem it faded out and just disappeared with no news of anything being done for this story but that is until now.

Ya i know game adapted to movies has quite worked out special with films like Super Mario bros, Mortal kombat Annihilation and many more other film that have use game to movie concept, but it seem that with a good director that can work despite what some people think assassin creed movie was actually pretty good.

With Sony heading this movie it seem like Metal gear solid is back on track to being made, whats great about this is the fact Sony has hired the best person for the job writer Derek Connolly who was the writer for the Jurassic world movie which was a success in box office breaking the world record in cinema history with 500 million in less than 3 days.

But he's not alone Sony has also hired Jorden Vogt-roberts to help him which most of us should know this isnt the first time these two have worked together, both these guys wrote the successful 2017 film Kong: skull island which did well in box office with 566.6 million in profit from a Budget only 185 million.

So it gonna be interesting to see what they can do with this Game adapted story into a film that most of us fans loved before Konami destroyed the series with their greed, not to mention treated the designer like crap which thankful has left the company to start a new company with Sony Hideo Kojima who was the heart and soul of that game.

Not much is known at this point as all we know is that the two writers are in development of this film and it's still in it writing stage at this point, so it will be some time before we start seeing casting for this film or even it see the light of day, but it does beg the question who is going to be the co-producer Konami or Hideo Kojima on this film since they were both involved with the game.

The last writer that was brought on years ago was Jay basu who wrote the film (Monsters: Dark Continent) But it seem he's story script wasn't up to scratch, so this is why they brought on Connolly to head the project but it seem no notes were made to indicate that there are rewrites, so it look as if Jay script was scrap and given Connolly to write a full concept story for this film. This is just speculation at this point.

Whether this film will be based on the first film well your guest is as good as mine, but at this point is seem like a good movie for Sony to get two good writers for this film,  let you know more when more news comes in on this film development.

What do you think? Do you think this film could be a success under these two writers or do you think this will fall pray to the game movie curse? let us know in the comments of your opinions

Iconic Horror Figure Hangs Up His Glove For Good

Written by Movie Knights

In 1984 our worst dreams had come true, as normally back then teenage thought having hormone and oversex drives were the problem with jason voorhees walking around, until a psychopathic child killer became something much worst when the parents took the law into their own hand and burn the man to death.

This was the combination of events that lead to one of the most iconic slayer film of 1984 as Robert Englund took on the role the child murdering Freddy Krueger who took the word nightmare to a whole new level as he invaded teenager’s dream’s.

Over 20 years Robert has play Freddy 8 time with certain famous quotes like “How sweet fresh meat” and “welcome to prime time bitch” which Robert did with so much style that brought the character out. Looking back it now was kind of campy for a horror back then but it was still a cult classic and still enjoyed by new fans to day

Since the last film Robert Englund did in 2003 with the battle of the century, special in film history as two iconic horror slayer’s went head to head in a blood soaked adventure with Jason vs Freddy spin off.
Robert never really return after 2003 to play the iconic character which resulted in a recasting for the iconic character in 2010 played by Jackie Earle Haley, But sadly didn’t quite hit the mark to revamp the franchise.

Most fan’s and critic would agree which i would mostly agree with as i do feel there were other elements that made the film bad, but the real reason why it flop accord to the fans and critics which they do agree on is because Robert Englund didn't reprise the role.
Now with the franchise kind of up in the air fans across the world are wondering whether Robert would reprise the role one last time, but sad news has come in that Robert Englund sadly won't be return as freddy krueger (You can just see as millions of people cry out and suddenly silenced at this bad news)
But there is a reason and it’s a good reason which i do agree or those sadden by this news, reason for him not reprising the role is because he too old to play the part again. In a interview with EW (Entertainment Weekly) Robert went on to say:

“I’m too old to do another Freddy film now. If I do a fight scene now, it’s got to be real minimal because I can’t snap my head for eight different takes and different angles. My spine gets sore,” Englund said. “I can still be mean and scary, but I’m mostly relegated now to sort of Van Helsing roles, old doctors, and shit. So it’s fun that the last moment of me ever playing Freddy is a wink to the audience.”

Which Referring to the wink he means the end credit scene of “Jason v Freddy”, although we have seen him do low budget less action film’s and we would’ve of loved to see him reprise this role, sadly it's official that the origin Freddy krueger is hanging up his glove once and fo

Dark Universe is in Danger

Written by Movie Knights

Well i can't say i didn't see this coming in Hollywood as i wrote an article a while back on universal trying to recreate the famous monster universe, is now by the looks of it dead in the water.
Which doesn't come as a surprise to be-honest as from what I've heard and read the creator are have issue writing and get the universe of the ground special with two flops now trying, this is because i feel the pg-13 certification is restricting them from making this work.

Some may disagree agree but it pretty clear this is the problem as let be honest here Dracula, creature of the black lagoon and all the other classic movie monsters need that R-rating for there own characters to actually work.

Maybe this is what this dark universe needs and R-rating concept so they can let their imagination give the films what it need, special looking back at the mummy with a 12A - pg-13 even i could see this was holding the film back it the reason it flop. The mummy should have been give a much darker tone with a more psychological Egyptian feel similar to Brandon film but with a different twist, maybe just maybe he would have worked but I'm not a writer for these films.

As it is the dark universe being in trouble is because Bill Condon's "Bride of Frankenstein" has flat-lined, johnny depp's "The invisible man" has vanished into thin air and the wildly misguided "creature from the black lagoon" has return from once it came and sunk into the blackness of the swamp.

There has been others opinion of how to save this universe from getting a director that knows what they are doing and can make this universe work to just doing stand alone movies that have no connection to each other, but as it seem at the moment doesn't look like this universe is gonna happen; looks to be completely dead which is sad news as this would have made a brilliant universe if done right.

What do you think do you think they just need a better director and writer to make this universe or do you think is just impossible they should just scrap it and do something else? Let us know in the comment below. 

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Hollywood most shocking endings

Throughout cinema for the past 40 years we've seen alot of films that have had some strange ending to film that have had good emotional ending, but what about the films that you never saw coming.
 The one with the most shocking and most screwed up ending that leave you with a chill or your jaw just hitting the floor. Well here the top ten film with the most shocking ending that most would agree were the most shocking ending in a film.


Martin Scorsese's adaptation of the noir novel of the same name in a psychological film leads us down a twisted path at an asylum in the Northeast. As we believe we are following Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo on the hunt for an escaped patient in to this labyrinthine plot, we soon realize not only is DiCaprio's character the escaped inmate.

which everyone in the story is actually a doctor or a figment of his insanity. Daniels/Laeddis actually murdered his wife and is the person they have been hunting all along.


Before this franchise descended into a mockery of itself with 7 films, the SAW series started as a small horror film set almost entirely in a single room with two men trying to determine who would live and who would die in a sick twist game. while this would have made a decent film on it's own as a single twilight horror style film, the twist that the Jigsaw Killer was actually laying in the middle of the room as a "DEAD BODY" between them the whole time was absolute genius writing which caught everyone off guard leave everyone gobsmacked with a shocking ending


Ryan Reynolds career has featured some off the wall choices like "voices" many other films, but this 2010 thriller puts the focus on his acting ability as a man buried alive in a coffin slowly filling with sand.

The film features many voices, one of whom is searching for Reynolds' Paul Conroy and assures him they rescued a man in a similar situation weeks before. As the film comes to a close and the rescuers get close to Paul's coffin, they reveal that it is the man "rescued" weeks before. The 
downer and one hell of a gut punch to the audience is that his character isnt the one getting rescued.

The DivideFilm staring Michael Biehn set in a situation where someone has attacked the city, group of people are force to take shelter in a nuclear bunker. The sick twist thing about this film is that over time food was becoming less as the group to lose their mind paranoia set in, one by one they go complete mad as they start to turn on one another.
But this is where the shocking and twisted ending come in as one of the try to escape the nuclear bunker only to find that the world has been complete destroyed by nuclear war leaving the audience in shock that there is no escape.

6.  Drag me to Hell

All though the film was pretty much explainable young bank accountant name Christine reject a Jipsey woman plead to save her house due to to many bank loans, the woman places a curse on Christine which end up being a pretty messed up nightmare to get rid of the curse before it too late.
Although the ending was a little predictable as she falls on the train tracks hell opens up watch her flesh burn off her face iss a truly haunting imagine that sticks with you.

5. (John Carpenter's original) The fog

Now most of us that are horror fan should of come across this film at some point in there lives and watched this film, story of the Elizabeth Dane who made a deal with the town fork who were lure to the death the town stolen the gold as a fog role in.

Several hundred years later the soul of the Elizabeth Dane return in a strange fog killing although they come in to contact with, as a group of town people try to defend off the ghostly ghouls the priest hand back to the gold to the ghosts giving the audience a sense thats it over as the ghosts and fog dispear.
But as the priest look back the leader of the Elizabeth Dane is stood in front of the priest just as the credit roles a sword strike the priest down, leaving the audience with a shocking ending.

4. Se7en

Psychological crime thriller starring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freemen are thrust into a what looked like a normal homicidal case actually turn in to a serial killer hunt as a nut job religion killer is going around killing a select few people over the 7 deadly sins.

The most shocking apart of this film not that most of this film is pretty much shocking ,this scene audience never saw coming was at the end when the audience is subject to the ramble of a serial killer kneeing in front of brad Pitt characters a strange package arrive which leave the audience shock as in side the box was the the head of brad Pitt characters wife. Leaving the audience in complete shock.

3.  Death watch

In 1917, in the Western front, a group of survivors of the British Company Y reach the most forward German trench in a foggy night as they capture a German soldier. The German soldier that starts ranting that evil is in the trench which was forcing the soldiers to kill each other and asks them to leave the place. Soon after it was only private Charlie Shakespeare listens and helps this prisoner,

Soon after this strange things started happen as one by one the British Soldiers were drop like fly it because a battle against an unseen supernatural forces. What shocking about this film is the audience probably never saw coming, the only survivor in that trench was German solider that no one expect him to actually be the evil supernatural force that was lure solider to there deaths but what more shocking is it let Charlie go free for his kindness.

Were left with the lone German solider waiting for another group which turn up camera pan on the German face he look up and grins (screen goes black)

2. The Shinning

Signing a contract, Jack Torrance, a normal writer and former teacher agrees to take care of a hotel which has a long, violent past that puts everyone in the hotel in a nervous situation. While Jack slowly gets more violent and angry of his life, his son, Danny, tries to use a special talent, the "Shining", to inform the people outside about whatever that is going on in the hotel.

Now most everyone would say that the shocking ending to this film after Jack descended in to madness and at the end of the film he meets his demise in the freezing cold weather, this is in fact not the shocking ending of this film.

 The shocking end comes as the camera pans down a lobby toward a group of photo on the wall, the photo show party's taken many year before jack came to the hotel, as the camera pans closer to one photo we see jack standing in the very photo.

Yet this couldn't be possible as the photo was take 70 years ago leaving the audience shock and some saying that he part o the hotel ghost now.


1. The Mist.

Everyone thinks of it as a harmless lightning storm. When Dave Drayton notices a strange mist on the lake, he thinks nothing of it. When he, his son, Billy Drayton, and his neighbor Brent Norton travel to the supermarket, the unthinkable happens. On their way to the market, they see the army, firefighters, and the police heading toward the mist.

When he sees this Brent mentions something about "Project Arrowhead", a secret military project that no one knows about. As they are shopping, they see three soldiers walk in, pick up a few things, then head toward the mist. All eighty of the store's shoppers have no clue what is going on until an old man runs in the market with a bloody nose and declares "Something in the mist!" He tells them to close the door.

About five seconds after they close the door, the entire store shakes, as though it has been lifted several feet above the ground. When David is asked to check on the generator, he finds the loading dock door being pushed on by something outside. Then Dave hears a groan. He asks three people to come with him.

When Norm the bag-boy volunteers to go out, he is dragged away by a creature with large squid-like tentacles that have mouths, teeth, and arms. After Dave and the other three fight off the tentacles, they warn everyone in the store what is out there.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Carmody exclaims that it is the End Time and that God is punishing them. People don't believe it, but finally Mrs. Carmody has almost everyone in the store on her side. Does 'Project Arrowhead' have anything to do with this? Will Dave Drayton, his son, and his friends make it out alive as they make a last stand against this destruction? Or will they be taken by the demon-like creatures of 'The Mist'?

The ending of the film what seem to be the only 5 survivors left of the town try to escape from deadly creature only to find that the car had run out of fuel there is no escape, this is where the shocking end comes as they believe there is no escape commit suicide leaving only 
David Drayton (Tom jane) and his son.

Which left the audience stunned and shocked as David killed his son but as he went to kill himself the gun was out of bullets, audience thinking David would be killed by a creature moment after a large group of soldiers came in to a clear leaving the audience shock as if they just held on for just 5 mins more they would have been rescued were left with David screaming in pain that he killed his son for nothing.

These are just some of the most shocking ending to a film, what you favorite shocking ending to any film give us a comment below.

Brought to you by Movie Knights.

why is the horror genre in decline

Over the past 40 to 50 year's alot of us have seen quite alot of horror film, iver on the big screen or on the small screen. Clearly from the the 40's horror films we're in decline because of the great recession which didnt help the industry, but then world war 2 happen which further push horror genre out of Hollywood.

This was mainly due to a lot of people saw enough horror in the real world to actually watch the horror on the big screen, but horror film clearly made a big come back from the 60 to 80s in a big way

"For example" : Friday the 13th's Jason vorhees hacking and slashing his way through campers to Freddy Kruger invading the dreams with a nightmares to kill them in their sleep.

This was enough to terrifie young and old viewers across the world for years as most cinema goers have seen in shock and ore, this is because of the director / writers with imagination brought us some of the most terrifying creatures and monster to the screen.

With an honorable mention of "Clive barkers" "Hell Raiser" with Pin head was enough to put chills down you're spine for any audience. These classic went on to be the biggest horror icon's of the generation but since the 90's the Biggest Question in the film industry is why "Horror" films are in decline? Well this is mainly due to a number of factor that are killing the horror - genre.

One is being the certification of the film which seem to have become the normal with (MPAA PG13) - (BBFC-12A) thinking that a teen style horror film is gonna scare the audience. Sadly this is not the case as (PG13- 12A) horror restricts the art form of the film, this tone down concept to the point you can't use true natural horror to frighten the audience is an example of this.

What i mean by this is the fact is most Hollywood director use the jump scare moments like sound or load bangs to make the audience jump at the right moments, this isnt horror; this is an amateur thing to do in a horror film to give cheap scare show that the director has no clue what they are doing.

Although some horror are subject-able like gory horror, this is not scary as this is meant to shock you more than scare, it's the slasher and psychological horror that are meant to scare

"Good example" : House of haunted hill, shutter island, poltergeist, the conjuring etc great examples of psychological horror that dont use jump scares to frighten the audience.

Bad examples: "Mama", "Ouija", "it follows", and many other horror film in this generation that have failed to scare the audience, this is the one of the main reason.

The other Reason stem from wrong timing of the year which yes we can all agree on mainly always having a horror film around the time of the month's January or February, which everyone knows is the two month of the year where the film dumping are for crappy movies goes.

The other will probley piss off the comic book fans but fuck it who cares im gonna say it anyway, the reason why i calling in the comic book genre as well on this is because i have notice over the past few years that comic book movies are staggering other films.

What i mean by this is the fact the comic book genre is taking over cinema which over shadows other film's as well because all people want to see now is comic book film all the time, as most people can't seem to appreciate a movie out side of the comic book genre which i have noticed.

This is other reason why the Horror genre is dying because Hollywood think the 12A- PG13 will bring in more money because they feel a 18 cert film wont make money, yet Dead pool was 18 cert made money proving that audience would watch a 18 cert film if it was made right.

For those that say that not every film has to be an 18 certification sadly horror film do or whats the point in making a horror film, Horror needs the 18 certification so it can go all out in the psychological concept to truly get under the skin of the audience without that you don't have a horror you have a twilight film for teenagers.

Hollywood inst just to blame here it's also from the IPF industry (Independent film) also, two many sub-genres like zombies and found footage adopted by horror film director on a low budget have become over used, which sadly is killing horror genre as well because with there scary camera and lack of imagination really doesn't help.

Simple put Horror in 2017 is simple just not frightening anymore, compared to the horror from the 60's to 80's horror back then horror was horror, now its become this complete washed down industry which sadly is why this horror genre is in decline.

Personally i think the horror genre need to bring back the old school time of horror, forget about the 80s, stop trying to copy whats done before and truly make a dark sinister chill to the bone horror film that the audience will love.

What do you think as an audience do you feel the horror genre should just die out or get a complete make over?  Let us know in the comment section what you think.

By Movie Knights

Film's : Original Vs Reboots

Written by Movie Knights In the world of cinema over the past few years we seem to be in a flux of reboots and remakes of the original film's, which some haven't been to bad where others have been just seriously bad. It these bad ones that make us think what was the point in trying to make a reboot/remake in the first place.
In this article i'm gonna try to give a in depth look at these reboots vs the original film, try to explain why some fail where some actually work, so here a few reboots from their originals.

  • Evil dead vs Evil dead (Reboot)
Here is something that should've been felt well alone special when "Evil dead" is such a big classic in the horror genre, with its comedic moments with "Bruce Campbell" playing the unwittingly boyfriend who unleashes the an ancient evil force from the book of the dead; which take his girlfriend and his friends which become this funny but disturbing blood feast battle good vs evil film.

Unfortunately which most would disagree with me on the 2013 reboot of evil dead does try its best to come up with an original story while still slightly copying what's been done before, this i feel was it down fall has it didn't quite feel like it could make a sequel out of sadly, maybe this film should have been give a new twist instead of copying.

  • Poltergeist vs Poltergeist (Remake)
Now this original film special for me when i first watched this film was one of the most creepiest films I've ever seen, even though it was give a PG (parental guidance) rating which i still to this day think was a mistake because poltergeist though it's classed as a fantasy film is still a psychological horror film that wasn't under any circumstances a family film.
Sadly after 3 films the child actress "Heather O'Rourke" who play the little girl Carol Anna sadly past away with a rare child bowel disease, which soon after this came the famous curse theory because they used real skeletons on set several actor and actress died curse or strange coincidence it was a little weird.

The remake of the original Poltergeist didn't do to badly but again with a Remake although it's more like a sequel as in the film it does mention about a house disappearing as a joke at the diner table, state that the film is set a few years on after this event. But sadly this film does try to copy what's been done before this is why it flop in the cinema, although it was a enjoyable film to watch as it had it moments and we see what's on the other side. But sadly this didn't save it.

  • Ghostbusters vs Ghostbusters (2016 Reboot)
Yes i know this is beating a old horse but lets face it this was a pretty big mistake by sony to give this film a reboot instead of just giving us a third film, but why the original worked was because of comedic time and off script acting which actually help the film a lot.

This gave the original a balanced of a dark creepy film with comedic moments that breaks up the doom and gloom of the film, which made it a classic cult movie of the 80's.
Sadly for the Ghostbusters 2016 which has been met with hostile criticism which let's be honest was a pile of trash although some would disagree on that, did quite work out for sony as it took a major hit in losses in box office. Mainly due to the fact Amy pascal and Paul feig turning ghostbusters in to a SNL (Saturday night live) Film which was its downfall along with other issue.

  • Magnificent seven vs Magnificent seven (Reboot)
Here is a rare example of a film that's been rebooted from the 1960's version starring "Yul Brynner", to the 2016 version starring "Denzel Washington" that has actually been a good remake. Both have similar traits where a group of corrupt government official use their official title to run a town with an iron fits, the town folk hire a us marshal to take them down which is hard pressed to tell which one was better as they are both good in their own right.

This is because the reboot version mixed up the film a little and didn't try to copy what was done before, which is why this reboot is a rare reboot that works.

  • Teenage mutant ninja turtle vs Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles (Reboot)
This is probably the most hate reboot in the history of cinema along with transformers but growing up on the original Turtles movies it didn't really bother me that much as it did most others, from the originals the first two films we're good, but sadly the third film wasn't that great which is why i agree this need a reboot.
My first choice wouldn't of been "Megan Fox" playing April o'Neil but she didn't do to bad in the reboot, despite people actually hate on the films even the sequel out of the shadows bring in DC Arrow's "Stephen Amell" playing Casey Jones was good but was it really a good a reboot i'l let you decide that as it had mixed view.

  • Nightmare on Elm st vs Nightmare on Elm st (Reboot)
Now this one is a pretty easy choice to make which one was the best of the two version, which no offence to Jackie Earle Haley who's a great actor the script for the new "Nightmare on elm st" waste that great. Which is why the remake failed to make that impact plus it did take the story a little too dark on the child moltser / serial killer side of Freddy Krueger character which i don't think was it downfall.
I believe the down fall just came from poor concept writing, where this film could've used the sleep deprivation better with a more creepier tone with a lot more Freddy krueger scene maybe it might of worked. As is stand the original "Nightmare on elm st "still stand the best classic icon film of it generation, should of seen the return of "Robert Englund" as Freddy in a more darker film it could've been a success plus fan-base would have loved his return.

  • Robocop vs Robocop (Reboot)
Here a film that could've of been good as its original yet it just fails in compression, to factor that bring down the reboot certification 12A vs the R-rated version of Robocop. The 12A PG13 as i've said in a previous article i wrote of the decline of horror films, its important not to tone down a character if they need that R-rating to actually work for it concept which sadly they did here.

Not that the reboot wasn't good it had it entertainment value but without that R-rating the character didn't have the impact, plus changing the suit of Armour to look black was another reason this film failed because believe it or not the new design actually looked better in the classic silver Armour.

This sadly is why the original film will always been the best of the two version.

  • Friday the 13th vs Friday the 13th (Reboot)
What is it about this iconic serial killer that Hollywood can seem to get right? It one of the most easiest character to give a good concept script for. We have had over ten films of the original Friday the 13th film including Freddy vs Jason spin off film, they attempted a reboot of the film which wasn't that bad but still missing something this character so needed which sadly didn't do so well in box office.
Original films will always stand the test of time will always been great classic films, but for a reboot ya their attempt was great but not good enough, but i would if I was a film writer capitalize on the supernatural side of Jason voorhees using the mist teleportation effects like a demon in a dark creepy but blood thirst film with more than just a few campers.

  • Terminator vs Terminator Genisys (Reboot)
Where do i start with this? Terminator first came out this was one of the biggest franchise movies to hit the cinema, spawn 4 films and a reboot, although the third film was a bit of a let down and some would say Terminator salvation was just the franchise killer.
Although i would tend to agree that although salvation was a good film the ending of that film did kind of kill anymore film from being done, so technically Terminator and Terminator 2 Judgement Day T-1000 Edition were really the only two film in the franchise that were a massive success.

In light of salvation this franchise was reboot with the return of Arnold playing the T-101 killing machine, only in Genisys play a Terminator father figure for a more hardened Sarah Connor with a mixed concept of Terminator and Terminator 2 might of been its downfall.
Plus with sky-net actually killing john Connor as well by turning him into a an advanced Terminator which was supposed to lead the future of mankind against the machines, kind of throw the franchise off level to the point you couldn't really take it anywhere. So again the original wins out of this one.

Honorable mention of  Reboot / Remake to come:
  • Ace Ventura                                      Akira
  • Big Trouble In Little China                 The Black Hole
  • Blade                                                  spawn
  • Bloodsport                                          Blue Thunder
  • Death Wish

These are just a few of reboots about Around, what reboot do you think was better than its original or do you think the original was better? Let us know in the comments below.