Sunday 26 November 2017

Movie Knights Spoiler Talk: Justice League What Went Wrong?

Written By Movie Knights

Ok let's be honest here before you start jumping down my throat saying i'm just another hater of this film which, yes, i know a lot of people think this is a masterpiece, but i don't think these people even know what a masterpiece is these days.
 This isn’t an article to hate on the film as it's an article to point out why i feel this film is a sloppy mess despite some part of the film being good. Sadly there is a lot of problems with this film, which is the reason for the box office boom. So let's look at what went wrong and what they got right.

Superman Character without a doubt Henry Cavill was the perfect casting choice for superman's character due to his nature as a person and as an actor you can't deny that, from Man of Steel, Batman v Superman and now Justice League he's proven that very thing. With Justice League it was a bold move on how they brought him back with one of the mother boxes, which was done right on screen with him not knowing who he was or where he was since he's been dead for months, and it works.

The other things addressed which worked was the moment Superman attacked clearly not knowing who they we're when flash tried to come up from behind him, it was this point that was good for Superman because even though the flash is faster than light Superman has supervision as we saw in Man of steel when he could see the ship in orbit.

Also addressed the nightmare scene as well Lois being the key if she had died at any point before his resurrection, they wouldn't of been able to anchor Kal El he would have join Steppenwolf so this is clearly put in there

What when wrong?

I think the biggest some what disappointment but easily forgivable with this film is that they didn't really keep to the comic when it came to the event of Batman v Superman to which i mean the death of Superman, here is where they had the opportunity to bring him back with the iconic black and silver suit, not that it needed it but still they missed that Opportunity here.

The other fact was because of the film only being 2hrs it made Superman’S recovery time too fast, sadly this is a big flaw in the film story even for a kryptonian that was way too too fast. The way he was written to be brought back wasn't even close to how he originally came back but i’m guessing it was changed for the film.

The Flash's character not sure if it was rewrites or re-shoots but the character of Barry Allen was all wrong, this is or isn't? because of the casting, Ezra Miller is a brilliant actor, its just the way he was written in. The running at high speed was perfect because if you look at an ice speed skater, you recognize the movement which is attention to detail, plus the suit design is perfect because it's designed from the specs of NASA’s shuttle with heat resistant and electricity interference which is explained in the film. 

What else is wrong is the way they had Flash, this kid in a sweet shop acting like a weird kid with a witty humor. This isn't Barry: he’s more straight going and a little reserved,
Wally West is the wise cracking speedster but Barry is not. The reason why i say this is you have to look at his life, his mom was killed in front of him and his dad is accused of this murder and put in jail. Barry realistically wouldn't be the way he is portrayed in the Justice League, which is another flaw in the story.

Wonder woman character i can't help but think they held her character back in this film as she the most experienced fighter there, this film does somehow holds her back i did notice this especially when she was facing Steppenwolf it like they slightly nerfed her a little. Apart from that, Gal Gadot is without a doubt the best casting choice for this character.

With Aquaman and Cyborg characters they we're done pretty well giving more depth to their characters, all though i do feel these characters we're under used in the film in area's. Ya there not a lot aqua man can do on land because he's powers are connected the sea and water, we do get some moments where he has some funny moments. With Cyborg I felt the some emotion but not a whole bunch I think a lot of his scenes were cut, which would have given his character more depth.

Here where the film goes complete wrong!

It's not the visual effect although a few Superman close-up with a C.G.I makeover to get rid of that mustache because of paramount which henry cavill was still filming at the time and under contract not to remove, it seriously looked bad on screen and should've been done right,
 plus it's not the critics or the fans trash talking the film iver let's be honest here.

 The biggest problem this film had was the 2 hrs time limit forced on the film by CEO Kevin Tsujihara demanded on the film to be. This completely made the film of this size feel rushed which did not give the film any time for the characters to develop which i explained with Superman as well, which didn't help.

  This i can’t emphasize enough the Light tone only works if you have characters that need a light tone in certain scenes for humor. However no matter what people say, a film being completely light toned, you’re turning the whole film into a toned down comedy or child's film which kills any villains presence being menacing.

Which is whats happen here with the Justice League and why it wasn’t booming in box office sadly it’s nothing to do with critics or the fans it the film itself, even though i gave this an 8 out of 10 in my review, this film was ruined by this very thing. By cutting most of Snyder scenes for Joss Weldon re-shoot and rewrites they compromised the film integrity leaving it with no substance.

With wonder woman it was take two step forward in making a dc good again, but then taking two step back from an unbalance justice league film that made the mistake of using the light tone for the whole film. This killed any emotional content or gritty drama from the film because it was to happy go lucky with it tone, this is why steppen wolf came off as this weak ass villain on screen and just a punching bag for superman.

I'm sorry to say this even for a DC fan this film is a weak dumb down movie just to appease the fanboys complaining about the darker tone, instead of getting a balanced film to make steppen wolf a bad ass on screen and looking menacing also allowing emotional context in the film; we get an over light toned marvel avengers 2.5 film which felt like a disappointed.

This film should've been like wonder woman in one with a balance of light tone in certain scene that needed humor and darker tone for the villain and drama scenes to give some emotion grounded substance to the film which sadly this is not what we got, i blame Joss Whedon and the CEO of Warner bros for this messy film. 

So people need to stop blaming critics and fans bad reviews for the drop in box office, the film does that it self, i warned ages ago if Warner bros turns DC in to marvel it will back fire because the characters of DC are darker than the one in marvel thats just a fact. By making this film over the top light tone DC lost its identity which sadly could cost this universe.

This only why Warner bros can fix this mess is to sperate Warners bros from DC have a contract so no CEO can interfere in the progress of the film and let the directors make the film without inference, because this is the problem DC is having Warner bros interfering in things they dont have a clue in.

All Warner bros should be doing its marketing and stop interfering in a director work, marvel doesnt have that much inference other than Disney control over the rating for the films, Warners bros should be doing the same but not copying this childish tone. Because if DC can get every film with a balance like wonder woman trust me DC films would be successful, but as far as justice league film goes it was a sloppy mess thanks to micromanagement which needs to stop.

I believe Patty jerkins would've had a better result that Joss with finishing this film because she has a greater respect for his work than joss, no office to people say joss is good at what he does sadly no avengers 2 was mediocre and if you look back at the Alien 3 script he wrote where we would of had a power rangers style ending with xenomorphs you would see just how much of a hack he is. From what ive heard he is no fired from bat-girl which i hope is true. 

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