Sunday 17 December 2017

The Reason Starwars 8: The Last Jedi is An Incoherent Mess.

When it come's to Critics in general you can always tell when critics are payed off by a company just to give great reviews so they can get more people in seat's, even when their film is so incoherently misleading and the story alone is a mess with plot holes and flaws you can always tell from this that these critics we're payed off.

This clearly is blatant in the face with starwars 8 the last Jedi that Disney know's full dam well this film is a mess yet realise it anyway, proving that Disney doesnt seem to give dam about it franchise's. Alot of people have praised this film where a lot of said this film truly suck everyone is entitled to opinion, but a few have people take it apoun themselves to attack people that have a difference of opinion which is so dumb it unreal.

But those that praise the film ya it ok to praise a film and that your opinion, but it doesnt stop the fact the film is a mess, here is a list of reason why to put into perspective that The Last Jedi is an embarrassment to the starwars franchise and should never of left the writing table the way it was.

1. Drop subplots from Force Awakens
The Last Jedi start off like the First order had control of the whole galaxy but yet their base was destroyed, it like the director didnt watch force awakens. When first order destroy several planets this should've rallied the rebels to fight against the first order, having no base  to command from they shouldn't have control over the galaxy, yet in last Jedi the first order suddenly went from having a base blown up to controlling the galaxy - this doesn't make sense at all.

From force awakens Han solo clearly stated that Luke left to find the old Jedi temple after ren turn to the dark side, even in the last Jedi Luke state to rey did you think i came here to the temple for no reason.

But here where it make no sense, why did he leave a star map with R2D2 to where he was if he was needed, if he only came to the old Jedi temple to die? This whole plot from force awaken was completely drop here and made no sense what so ever in last Jedi when clearly he only came there to die.

Rey vision that was shown to her in force awaken, we saw klyo ren with the knights of ren, where we're they in the last Jedi, complete no mention or scene with them anywhere.

The end when they sent out a help signal to get the rest of rebels, did this director forget that several planets we're destroyed by the star killer, i doubt if there is any rebel fleet left which make this plot incoherent to force awakens.

2. Humour and Tone issues 

The main problem with this film was the humour did match with this darker tone movie, i'l be honest it was much darker that revenge of sith and the humour didn't work for the film. The whole Canto bight scene just wasn't funny and it was overly stupid.

At the beginning of the film the moment with poe and hucks was seriously the worst dialog ive ever seen in a film with this over the top Monty python comedy. Which just complete destroyed this bad ass as scene with poe having a stand off alone against the dreadnought, this dialog alone was just bad for the film though the whole film Huck's just felt like a Monty python character that you just couldn't take serious enough.

What the hell was this Luke scene jerk off a creatures, its just the way the creature look over at Rey as well, (WTH ) was this scene, seriously necessary for this film, not sure whether that was meant to to be funny but it was something that wasn't need in this film.

Finn leaking water from his suit, not sure whether this was meant to be comic relief , but it just wasn't funny. Another pointless scene to get a laugh was the irons that the scene made look like ship landing we're just iron boards, just a pointless scene.

3. Phasma Death

After all Disney has been saying that Phasma is going to be the bobba fett of this new trilogy and them saying she got a bigger role in this film, they go and kill her off after one film, like wth Disney. This is not only a disgrace to the actress playing her but also a disgrace to the character.

What make it worst is the fact the only way to know who she is and where she comes from, is in a book that no one is probable not gonna read, which should've been in the film. It was a complete 100% waste of a character, not to mention how the hell did she get off star killer from force awakens it just feels like a complete waste of character to have her in this movie. 

4. Leia Moment in the last Jedi

I'm not gonna go into the whole using Jedi powers thing to keep her self alive, but this whole scene was the biggest disrespect to her character ever and to Akbar as well killing him off with no respect what so ever was a joke.
But leia flying back to the ship was a joke in a half, reason why i saying this is because the bridge had been blown into space clearly no shields and decompressed.

Here where this scene is so stupid and flawed is the fact they had her return from space like superman, and then open the door like it was nothing. Common sense here would dictate that door would have pressurised from the space outside and the moment they opened the door they would have been sucked out in to space.

Not being funny this is where Leia should've have had her end in the film, because it now causes a problem for starwars 9, because she past away before any scene were filmed and they refusing to use cg.i out of respect if become a problem for them.

5. Rey parent being reveal

For months we have been spoon fed theory's on who's rey parents maybe and could be, we get this massive build up through force awakens story on the mystery of her parents, to get a seriously lazy ass written reveal of her parents being no body's like calling them trash junkers.

This was the biggest flat reveal ever so disappointing, but something feels off about it because the plot line in starwars battle front 2 game seem to be her parents. But this reveal just made her un-special in the film, this is bad for the main character concept of this film because it make her character flat an uninteresting now.

6. Rey training

Where the hell is her training in this film, not once do we see her being trained in the ways of the force other than Luke tell her to feel the force. Yet she some how has a little training with the light sabra but no explanation to how, the fact she once again had no Jedi training but manged to take on 10 predatorian guard in snoke chamber who were fully trained. Sorry but this make no sense.         

7. Finn and Rose subplot.

This whole thing complete ruined the whole film as it was completely pointless and ended up flat and didnt going any where. This just felt like this scene was to just keep Finn in the film to do something instead of giving him a more meaningful. Like at least make him a Jedi for crying out loud.

This whole side adventure while everything esle was going on was pointless in the film only to be betrayed after it. It felt like lazy writing and pointless that it could have been use to have Rey being train by Luke.

These scene didn't feel like a starwars as it felt more political, like slavary is bad, animal cruelty is bad, greed of society is bad, which didnt feel like a starwars moment.

Not to mention the scene when Rose stop Finn from a suicide attempt, i mean there is a row of these AT -AT looking at them and they would have just blown him away. Not to mention the distance from where they were, how did they get back inside the base so fast? this doesnt make sense and big flaw in the film.

8. Snoke Death

I'm not sure how many would agree but what the F-ing hell was the point of introducing a mysterious major villain like snoke that clearly is more powerful than sidious was, to kill him off in the follow film. This completely made no sense what so ever and one hell of a pointless introduction if you were gonna do this.

Everyone keep's saying that sidious did noticed Darth Vader feeling before he kill him, yet failed to realise just how powerful snoke truly is. If the guy can manipulate Rey and Kylo from across the galaxy and so in tune in the force plus knowing everything kylo is thinking, Kylo shouldn't of been able to kill snoke with a light sabra next to him. Snoke would have sense him pretty easy which make this scene completely flawed as hell.

Here the thing as well he set up so well to be the main villain of the film yet so wasted, what makes it worst is no one know who the hell snoke is other then he from the outer rim, which i believe this is what sidious was interested in.

9. Luke legacy mess up

Disney well and truly destroyed the character of luck, even mark Hamill said the script before doing this film was seriously mess up. I'n the film they portrayed Luke a killer of his own family which isnt Luke at all, because going back to the return of the Jedi he wait on a suicide mission to save the second most evil man in the universe his father, so why the hell was he written in the last Jedi to kill his own family.

This was the biggest mistake in character ever as Luke wouldnt kill his own family, even Mark Hamill said this as well with the script being bad for the character.

10. Death of Luke sky walker

As bad ass as that scene was when Luke appears at the planet leia was, it was still bad writing. Why? Because why have him in the confrontation with kylo to kill him or kylo to kill Luke, but Luke wasn't there as he was using Jedi power called force projection which was good and all. But If he was gonna die anyway, what was the point of having him turn up as a force projection when he could have just turned up himself to fight klyo and died a hero.

This was a complete betrayal of his character for the way he died instead of a Marta which would have rallied the rebel more. Complete lazy writing here.

Not to mention the light sabra Luke was using was complete stupid because kylo should've have notice the light sabra Luke was he was hold.

Biggest plot holes in the movie:

11. The chase Fleet scene

This is seriously bad writing here ,why was this scene dragging on so much when the first order could easy wipe out this small feet easy and gone on their way, they could've of launched the fighters which could've cause damage and wipe them out.

Not to mention this was a small fleet of 100, so why were they even bothering with them when they could've be out controlling the rest of the galaxy, plus they have Snoke flag ship that could destroyed these ships easy with orbit canons.

This dragging scene felt like wasted scene that could have been used for Rey training with Luke at the old Jedi temple.

12. Vice Admiral Holdo

Why the hell didn't she just let poe in on her planes from the beginning, because this wouldn't of resulted in losing ship escaping to the planet, it wouldn't of need the whole finn and rose going to canto which was a wasted scenes in the film. This was just a dumb moment in this film with bad writing.

13. X-wing vs Dreadnought

How incoherent do you have to be writing in a seemly first order being this strong army yet stupid enough to realise that a single X-wing fighter can more faster than then the turbo laser's. You would think after years of fighting they would come up with a better way of taking out a single x-wing.

It just doesnt make sense that a single x-wing can destroy a dreadnought and can take out the defences, they still dont understand how the rebel order fights, its just stupid when you send 12 bomber to destroy one when a single x-wing can do the job you wasted lives.

14 - The blue light sabra kylo smashed

Why didnt kylo see through the deception via the blue light sabra during the final confrontation being so powerful.

15. Darth Vader obsession

Kylo Ren was obsessed with Vader which was set up in force awakens , which seem to have been drop in the last Jedi therefore no reason for Ren to go to snoke and listen to him.

16. Rey's Jedi sudden training  

Rey didnt get formal light sabra training yet fights like she has, this make no sense what so ever in the film as she didnt have any from force awakens iver.

17. Snoke doesnt know his own ship
 Snoke flag ship can track targets through hyperspace yet apparently snoke doesn't even know about...bad writing again.

18. How did rey know where they are?

Rey just happen's to be in the right place without being told where they are to move the rocks which she had zero focused training for to lift them out the way.

19. Finn sudden recovery

Biggest flaw ever Finn was seriously damaged in the force awakens to suddenly be ok in the last Jedi, not only thing his jack hasn't suffered any damage what so ever from having a light sabra slash up the back.

20. stupid love subplot 

Rose failing in love in less than 12 hours was such a stupid waste of a plot.

21. Film rushed.

The whole film feels complete rushed to get the sky walker arc out the way, when this type of film should've been done better and left until at least starwars 9. 

These are all the flaws i found in this film which are 10 more then what i found in force awakens, now its ok if you enjoyed the film you think it great, but there is no denying that this film is massive flawed and incoherent with these flaws. This is embarrassment to the starwars franchise from Disney who should've made this film better than this, i cant believe this even got off the ground let alone let from the writing room in this state.

If Disney continue down this path their plans for starwars extended universe will be over, because people will stop watching them soon.

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