In this article i'm gonna try to give a in depth look at these reboots vs the original film, try to explain why some fail where some actually work, so here a few reboots from their originals.
- Evil dead vs Evil dead (Reboot)
Here is something that should've been felt well alone special when "Evil dead" is such a big classic in the horror genre, with its comedic moments with "Bruce Campbell" playing the unwittingly boyfriend who unleashes the an ancient evil force from the book of the dead; which take his girlfriend and his friends which become this funny but disturbing blood feast battle good vs evil film.
Unfortunately which most would disagree with me on the 2013 reboot of evil dead does try its best to come up with an original story while still slightly copying what's been done before, this i feel was it down fall has it didn't quite feel like it could make a sequel out of sadly, maybe this film should have been give a new twist instead of copying.
- Poltergeist vs Poltergeist (Remake)
Now this original film special for me when i first watched this film was one of the most creepiest films I've ever seen, even though it was give a PG (parental guidance) rating which i still to this day think was a mistake because poltergeist though it's classed as a fantasy film is still a psychological horror film that wasn't under any circumstances a family film.
Sadly after 3 films the child actress "Heather O'Rourke" who play the little girl Carol Anna sadly past away with a rare child bowel disease, which soon after this came the famous curse theory because they used real skeletons on set several actor and actress died curse or strange coincidence it was a little weird.
The remake of the original Poltergeist didn't do to badly but again with a Remake although it's more like a sequel as in the film it does mention about a house disappearing as a joke at the diner table, state that the film is set a few years on after this event. But sadly this film does try to copy what's been done before this is why it flop in the cinema, although it was a enjoyable film to watch as it had it moments and we see what's on the other side. But sadly this didn't save it.
- Ghostbusters vs Ghostbusters (2016 Reboot)
Yes i know this is beating a old horse but lets face it this was a pretty big mistake by sony to give this film a reboot instead of just giving us a third film, but why the original worked was because of comedic time and off script acting which actually help the film a lot.
This gave the original a balanced of a dark creepy film with comedic moments that breaks up the doom and gloom of the film, which made it a classic cult movie of the 80's.
Sadly for the Ghostbusters 2016 which has been met with hostile criticism which let's be honest was a pile of trash although some would disagree on that, did quite work out for sony as it took a major hit in losses in box office. Mainly due to the fact Amy pascal and Paul feig turning ghostbusters in to a SNL (Saturday night live) Film which was its downfall along with other issue.
- Magnificent seven vs Magnificent seven (Reboot)
Here is a rare example of a film that's been rebooted from the 1960's version starring "Yul Brynner", to the 2016 version starring "Denzel Washington" that has actually been a good remake. Both have similar traits where a group of corrupt government official use their official title to run a town with an iron fits, the town folk hire a us marshal to take them down which is hard pressed to tell which one was better as they are both good in their own right.
This is because the reboot version mixed up the film a little and didn't try to copy what was done before, which is why this reboot is a rare reboot that works.
- Teenage mutant ninja turtle vs Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles (Reboot)
This is probably the most hate reboot in the history of cinema along with transformers but growing up on the original Turtles movies it didn't really bother me that much as it did most others, from the originals the first two films we're good, but sadly the third film wasn't that great which is why i agree this need a reboot.
My first choice wouldn't of been "Megan Fox" playing April o'Neil but she didn't do to bad in the reboot, despite people actually hate on the films even the sequel out of the shadows bring in DC Arrow's "Stephen Amell" playing Casey Jones was good but was it really a good a reboot i'l let you decide that as it had mixed view.
- Nightmare on Elm st vs Nightmare on Elm st (Reboot)
Now this one is a pretty easy choice to make which one was the best of the two version, which no offence to Jackie Earle Haley who's a great actor the script for the new "Nightmare on elm st" waste that great. Which is why the remake failed to make that impact plus it did take the story a little too dark on the child moltser / serial killer side of Freddy Krueger character which i don't think was it downfall.
I believe the down fall just came from poor concept writing, where this film could've used the sleep deprivation better with a more creepier tone with a lot more Freddy krueger scene maybe it might of worked. As is stand the original "Nightmare on elm st "still stand the best classic icon film of it generation, should of seen the return of "Robert Englund" as Freddy in a more darker film it could've been a success plus fan-base would have loved his return.
- Robocop vs Robocop (Reboot)
Here a film that could've of been good as its original yet it just fails in compression, to factor that bring down the reboot certification 12A vs the R-rated version of Robocop. The 12A PG13 as i've said in a previous article i wrote of the decline of horror films, its important not to tone down a character if they need that R-rating to actually work for it concept which sadly they did here.
Not that the reboot wasn't good it had it entertainment value but without that R-rating the character didn't have the impact, plus changing the suit of Armour to look black was another reason this film failed because believe it or not the new design actually looked better in the classic silver Armour.
This sadly is why the original film will always been the best of the two version.
- Friday the 13th vs Friday the 13th (Reboot)
What is it about this iconic serial killer that Hollywood can seem to get right? It one of the most easiest character to give a good concept script for. We have had over ten films of the original Friday the 13th film including Freddy vs Jason spin off film, they attempted a reboot of the film which wasn't that bad but still missing something this character so needed which sadly didn't do so well in box office.
Original films will always stand the test of time will always been great classic films, but for a reboot ya their attempt was great but not good enough, but i would if I was a film writer capitalize on the supernatural side of Jason voorhees using the mist teleportation effects like a demon in a dark creepy but blood thirst film with more than just a few campers.
- Terminator vs Terminator Genisys (Reboot)
Where do i start with this? Terminator first came out this was one of the biggest franchise movies to hit the cinema, spawn 4 films and a reboot, although the third film was a bit of a let down and some would say Terminator salvation was just the franchise killer.
Although i would tend to agree that although salvation was a good film the ending of that film did kind of kill anymore film from being done, so technically Terminator and Terminator 2 Judgement Day T-1000 Edition were really the only two film in the franchise that were a massive success.
In light of salvation this franchise was reboot with the return of Arnold playing the T-101 killing machine, only in Genisys play a Terminator father figure for a more hardened Sarah Connor with a mixed concept of Terminator and Terminator 2 might of been its downfall.
Plus with sky-net actually killing john Connor as well by turning him into a an advanced Terminator which was supposed to lead the future of mankind against the machines, kind of throw the franchise off level to the point you couldn't really take it anywhere. So again the original wins out of this one.
Honorable mention of Reboot / Remake to come:
- Ace Ventura Akira
- Big Trouble In Little China The Black Hole
- Blade spawn
- Bloodsport Blue Thunder
- Death Wish
These are just a few of reboots about Around, what reboot do you think was better than its original or do you think the original was better? Let us know in the comments below.
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