Written by Movie Knights
Well i can't say i didn't see this coming in Hollywood as i wrote an article a while back on universal trying to recreate the famous monster universe, is now by the looks of it dead in the water.
Which doesn't come as a surprise to be-honest as from what I've heard and read the creator are have issue writing and get the universe of the ground special with two flops now trying, this is because i feel the pg-13 certification is restricting them from making this work.
Some may disagree agree but it pretty clear this is the problem as let be honest here Dracula, creature of the black lagoon and all the other classic movie monsters need that R-rating for there own characters to actually work.
Maybe this is what this dark universe needs and R-rating concept so they can let their imagination give the films what it need, special looking back at the mummy with a 12A - pg-13 even i could see this was holding the film back it the reason it flop. The mummy should have been give a much darker tone with a more psychological Egyptian feel similar to Brandon film but with a different twist, maybe just maybe he would have worked but I'm not a writer for these films.
As it is the dark universe being in trouble is because Bill Condon's "Bride of Frankenstein" has flat-lined, johnny depp's "The invisible man" has vanished into thin air and the wildly misguided "creature from the black lagoon" has return from once it came and sunk into the blackness of the swamp.
There has been others opinion of how to save this universe from getting a director that knows what they are doing and can make this universe work to just doing stand alone movies that have no connection to each other, but as it seem at the moment doesn't look like this universe is gonna happen; looks to be completely dead which is sad news as this would have made a brilliant universe if done right.
What do you think do you think they just need a better director and writer to make this universe or do you think is just impossible they should just scrap it and do something else? Let us know in the comment below.
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