Wednesday 10 October 2018

A Possible 3rd 300 film called 300:The resurgence coming soon?

Written by Movie knights


One of the Most famous lines used in the first 300 movie, as 300 spartan faces down a vast army of Persians hell bent of conquering Greece and Athens ultimately failing at the vastly superior military tactics of the greek spartan.

Frank Miller 300 novel in 1998 Spark an interest in the fans across the world in a new take on 
historically battle, which was adopted in 2006 with an epic and unapologetically twisted version of the historic Battle of Thermopylae Directed by Zack Synder starring many stars like Gerard Butler, Michael Fassbender and many other stars.

When it comes to action movies there has never been anything quite like The unique style of film and battles like 300, which smashed the box office with a successful film with a 65 million budget it made over 456.1 million making it a box office hit.
But it didn't just make a box office hit, it became one of the most iconic films in cinema history with it bloodthirsty battles and brilliant one-liners that everyone talks about when mentioning this film, especial one line "THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!". 

In its successful box office hit, in 2014 we got another glorious sequel 300: Rise of an Empire. Now, this film to most fans was confused because the story was a sequel but it was also a prequel in the first act of the film, which then follows the story after 300 when the mighty 300 had a glorious death which spark the whole of Greece to unite.

With the sequel, it was base on the Battle of Marathon where the Athenians use shock combat and the Battle of Artemisium at seas battle, with a ship to ship combat, as we see the glorious battle at sea as the Athenians battle against the Persian Naval Assault.

This is where the film Ends when Athenians and Spartan band together as one united Greece, everyone was left wanting more, well there is possibly good news on this.

300 3rd film called the resurgence could be coming, although this name is subject to change as the movie looks to be still in 
development, which means they are trying to find a great story for this 3rd film.

Actor Sullivan Stapleton has express interest in playing a further role as the lead man for the role in the 3rd films saying:

As for the sequel, it’s a huge story… And those battles between the Greeks and Persians went on for years and years. I hope to God we do another sequel"

Let be honest Sullivan Stapleton would make a great actor for the 3rd film, to continue the story since he was alive at the end 300 rise of an empire. Although the Sequel was met with some criticism was received great with most audiences, the film still made a ton of money to make the 3rd film, with a budget of 
100 million, it made 337.6 million in the box office it was still a successful film.

With the Assassin, creed Odyssey game that just comes out, now would be a good time to have this film announce with the Hype of Greece and the 300 battle, let be honest a 3rd film to finish this film with a trilogy would be great as long as they give us the story of Greece last stand against the Persians.

Warner Bros and legendary picture needs to make this film work and bring it to the big screen because Fans want this film, it would be a shame to leave this story on 300 rise of an empire.

At the moment with it being in development there is a glimmer of hope for a 3rd film, but a date for the moment is unclear with it being in development and if any more news comes in i'l be sure to keep you up to date on this. What your opinion on this film series becoming a trilogy or do you feel they could carry this film over for serval sequels? 

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