Saturday 22 September 2018

Facebook Liberal bais : Banning Conservative for calling someone an SJW after they called you a right wing nazi.

When you hear that Liberals is silencing Conservative well it true facebook BAN for 30 days just for calling someone an SJW, seriously over calling this Trigger mother fucking pansy an SJW which he reported me for when I made a comment about the new Marvel film look like a fenimst SJW film.

Which is well with my right under the freedom of speech act this person reported me for no reason, calling me a jerk and triggered. SERIOUSLY WTF

This guy here is an SJW who clearly got the trigger and reported me over one simple word of calling them an SJW when he referred to me as right wing (as referring me to a Nazi), which im pretty offended by since my grandfather fought against the nazi in the second world war. This is a massive problem with Facebook allow people like this on this platform to get away with a lot but as soon Convertive speak out they get trigger you facebook being the liberal media website with there bais banning conservatives. Please tell me how this is right when I get called a right-wing nazi, im the one getting a ban for 30 days because I call them an SJW. 


Facebook bans me for it for 30 days over a simple word SJW which i called them after being called a right-wing nazi, this is beyond a joke for facebook to go this far to ban someone over a simple word which doesn't violent there term and conditions, yet liberals getting away with hate speech and all manner of words on Facebook, not once has facebook ban them.

I find this a direct violation of my freedom of speech this should go viral.  

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