This is in no way a dig to hater , people that hate are just gonna anyway nothing you can do about that. The problem i did see with BvS is that the story is a very complicated story to follow , why you ask?
Well that is because its not like your average leave you brain at home type of film , there is a lot of different storytelling going in the film that may take you several viewing to understand , unless you one of these people that can get it straight away.
This maybe one of the factor people had a hard time understand BvS why they actually think it sucked because they couldn't understand it.
Several complaints i have noticed is that the film is too beak & dark doesn't portray hope which is far enough the film is very dark & beak but you have to understand one thing about this DC universe, is that its always darkest before dawn.

What i mean by that is the the film's have to start with a darker story's in order to bring the light out of the films , talk the story of superman being give a chance of life but torn from his home world which is tragic if you look at it.

But then you have our own world superman is coming too , a world that treat anything that not from their world with fear, this is why BvS was important to portray this is the film because it give a sense of reality.
Hence when we had the first 5 mins of the film with Bruce to build a catalyst for the story other wise it wouldn't make sense for batman to go to war with superman in the first place, so these scene were important in the film.

People arnt just gonna throw their arms out & welcome superman hell no!!!! they are gonna fear & reject him for what he can do , just like what his earth father said to him played by Kevin Costner. The world would fear what it doesn't understand which is perfectly show in batman v superman

Didn't people actually miss the message here being portrayed ?
This is another reason why i feel some people didn't like it because of our own reality , we see this everyday, we go to the cinema to escape this for 2 hours they dont want to see it on screen as well ,
trouble is with Bvs you can't avoid this subject without compromising the story concept.
BvS story is more of a hard hitting gritty drama than a full comic book style film , may this is what most people dont like where other do , but the dramatic dark gritty tone works for these film, What some dont realise when they complain about it being dark & gritty is that their complaining about frank miller work , because Zack synder universe is Frank Miller world.
Hell alot of zack synder film's are frank miller work 2 examples watchmen & 300 both frank millers work , so when i hear that the fight between superman & batman is stupid your actually saying frank miller work is bad.

Ya there was a mistake in BvS that only because the theatrical version had way too much cut from the film , which thank god the ultimate edition helped a lot, im not saying the film was perfect there was room for improvement but not a lot but still it was a brilliant film.
This is just the icing on the cake when people complain about this which iver they are letting their egos get the better of them or just forgot that doomsday doesn't look the way he does that we have seen in other previous versions.
Doomsday origins where creature by a mad scientist who did an experiment on a kyptonian baby creating the create know as doomsday , he processed to kill & bring the creature back to live which cause a mutation creating the spike Armour we have seen before.
How ever he is not the spike creature in BvS because his only just been created about lex , as you see when doomsday was being hit & injured his body was changing growing spikes. This is call metamorphosis what we saw in BvS is not his final stage of evolution.
So why the hell are people complain at it when even in the comic books he wasn't the spike creature until after he killed several time thank about that before trying to make that argument about the film.

God know why people were complain wonder woman wasn't in her Armour through the film , this is because it been almost 100 years since she first wore the Armour she had retired from the hero's life because she was searching for something other that her picture.

Personally it was good time for her to come back in to action in BvS for the doomsday fight because this introduced her in to the first founders of the justice league. Were see more of her origin next year in her solo film.
As i said early in this article about people complain their is not hope or inspiration in BvS then what do you called the roof top save or the scene with the building building.

How can you even say this sense didn't inspire hope, that girl he saved had no chance of getting out of that build alive , superman come rescue the hope in those people they see him as a Savior for rescue a daughters life.
Ya maybe there should of been more seen like this of superman rescue people i will admit that it was lacking their , but their is only so much you can put in this film as weve seen this film was original 3 hours long.
People complain about the film having no emotional content...really that what would you call the scene out side the count room building , emotional don't always have to be portrayed in words they can be portrayed in face expression clearly shown in this picture from the very scene.
Henry cavil is a brilliant actor in show emotions through facial expression giving this superman a human heart that when people are hurt he hurts because superman has always be a humble & care character as well as a strong leader that has no fear.

The reason why he not responsible which is explained in the ultimate edition & didn't make sense in the theatrical version because it wasn't in that version was because lex lead line the chair , everyone that know superman character know he cant see through lead, hence the reason why he unable to do anything.
This is where i come to lex himself , people complain about this lex being crap or wasn't the lex we know that is because this lex was meant to be this way , why? because he not himself.

Though most of his scene you can tell something was controlling him, the reason why you could tell this was because of the things he was saying & his behavior like example quote he made
"Devils dont come from beneath us , they come from the sky"
Now i bet most people were actually thinking this quote was about superman , no he was actually iver talking about Steppen wolf or darksied which i will example in just a min. Other reason is that lex turn the picture up side down which is odd behavior for someone that meant to have a clear mind , but blowing up a court room is another.
Your probably wondering well whats this have to do with batman & superman fighting each other?
Here the reason what is the one thing stopping darksied taking the earth? yes you guess it batman & superman.
Clearly darksied couldn't be their in person , so steppen wolf is iver somewhere on earth or close by clearly whats happen is lex has open a communication mother box to steppen wolf , steppen wolf is using lex as a puppet to make these two fight.
This is the reason for the framing & antagonistic behavior toward batman to get him to snap which was that hard , but i see the plain as this get batman to kill superman, lex unleash doomsday on the world batman & woman woman are powerless to defeat it alone leaving earth vulnerable for darksied.
This is what his plain was that back fired , unleashing doomsday was his plain all long . to kill wonder woman & batman. The reason i saw this in the film is because in the ultimate edition we saw a brief 1 of steppen world through krytonian communication technology which confirmed steppen wolf for the justice league film in Nov 2017.

Here the reason for lex being under control of steppen wolf or darksied , if you look in to the past of lex family live you can tell that lex is suffering from daddy issue from a abusive father , clearly being told he not good enough for anything , he a waste of space giving him no love as a child.
This has clearly giving him a dark heart that void of emotional empathy or sympathy because of this abusive nature toward him when he was younger , its this darkness within lex that allow's steppen wolf or darksied to take control of his mind & enslave him to his will.

This is why Lex is not himself in the film because Darksied see the darkness the the person & uses this against the person & enslaves their mind to do evil like a slave to darkness. This is why Lex in bvs wasn't who he was , why he was saying DING DING DING at the end. Because darksied is coming.

The reason for batman behavior being judge , jury and executioner is because he's spent 20 years in gothem seeing people he cares about getting hurt by thugs & crimes only too see them being release back on the streets.
With everything batman/bruce has lost he just complete lost all hope in humanity hence the reason for the rage he has couple with post traumatic stress disorder , which is the reason for this version of batman being in the film it works.
It not until he met superman he saw the error of his way so BvS is much a redemption film for this batman character.
This article still makes me laugh. Especially the part where you say Watchmen is by Frank Miller. Really helps show how intelligent you are when trying to condescend people who dislike BvS by claiming they didn't understand the story.