First of all im a big star wars fan i have been since i was 8 years old when i first watch the film's , im now 39 & ive watch star wars several time over. But when Disney got the franchise i knew this would be a problem for this franchise as they dont care about the franchise at all ; all they they see is profit.
Here the Problem with this film:

- Scene here when we see BB8 on his own carry the plains of the star killer , is a clone concept scene in star wars 4 a new hope with R2D2 carrying the plains of the death star.

- Scene when BB8 is attacked by a scavenger in the desert , it's the same clone concept scene of R2D2 being attack by the jawas in star wars 4 a new hope.

- Scene where BB8 is being rescued by a young person in the case Rey in star wars 7 , is clone copy of luke skywalker scene a new hope with R2D2.

- Here a scene were Ren is integrating poe to find out where the plains are , this very scene alone is a copy of Darth Vader scene integrating Princess Leia in a new hope.

- In a later scene we see Finn rescue poe in a storm trooper suit , this is copy scene of luke skywalker rescuing Leia in star wars 4 a new hope.

- There a scene where the bad guys come down the planet destroy the home town that Rey was clearly staying in , this is a Complete copy scene when the storm trooper destroy Luke home in a new hope.

- In a later scene they manage to escape the planet in the Millennium Falcon , Same scene from a new hope with Han solo in the Millennium falcon when they they escaped the empire.

- Ray & Finn recruit the help of Han solo & chewbacca in star wars 7 , this is a copy scene of luke skywalker & obi wan Recruit the help of Han solo in star wars 4 a new hope.

- This scene with Ren & General Hux walking down the platform , is a copy scene of Grand Moff Tarkin in a new hope with Darth Vader.

- Star Wars 7 star killer is a carbon copy of the death Star in star wars 4 a new hope.
- The Assault on the star killer with the X wings is the same copy scene as the assault on the death star in star wars 4 a new hope.
Those are just the visual problems of copying & rehashing of star wars 4: a new hope from 1977. This isnt the only problem this film has , there are several other problems as well.
Through every star wars film that has come out it has always followed every film a few years after the events giving the film some continuity.
But the problem with star wars 7 is that it skips 40 years , which is a big problem for it's story as it skips a lot of the major key point that leads to how the first order started or came from.
Here are other problem's from this film's :
- Where did the first order come from & how was it formed , this is not explained in the film at all plus it's not even explained in the Scrolling words at the beginning telling the story.
- There is no explanation to who supreme leader Snoke is or where the hell he came from other than rumors that he been around since a new hope. His character just dont make sense in the film because he not explained he just thrown in.
- The fact Han solo & leia son isnt Ben solo its jacen Solo in the canon universe. Disney should of follow the canon universe instead of going their own path with this , this show a lack of respect for the franchise.
- Kylo Ren isnt Han solo son at all because in the canon universe , Kylo ren was a dark side monk of the brother hood of ren (not the knight of ren) Again Disney changing the story of star wars to suit them.
He was born around the time of the battle of endor , so would be much older than he was shown in star wars 7.
- Rey character just suddenly uses force powers to which she has no knowledge of or training , it took Luke 3 film to become fully trained in the force She just use the force just like that. This contradicts everything done before in previous film's.
- Ren has had training in the Jedi order from a young age when he was trained by Luke sky walker so ren had knowledge and how to use it. Yet gets beaten by the girl with no light sabra training or force training this makes no sense what so ever.
- With this film it felt like they were trying to make Kylo ren the big bad boss like Vader yet in this film he just comes off very weak. In previous film's Vader commanded respect through fear & everyone below him feared him because of his presence & what it can do.
But when it come's Kylo ren character through out the film everyone disrespected him like a chump & he just comes of as a whinny emo having a temper tantrum. When your trying to sell a film's bad guy they could of at least made him a bit more sinister & menacing or at least make him respected by fear.
- Plot hole: Ren was able to some how sense his father on the planet , yet couldn't sense where rey on on the ship this doesn't make sense ruin the concept of the film.
- Plot hole : Rey due to prior event had lost all memory of her parents & everything , yet within 5 mins of flying the millennium Falcon she knew more about the ship than Han solo did. How does this make sense when we have no back ground of rey & who she is.
- Maz Kanata character scene she has no knowledge of the force yet seem to know about the force this does make sense when what she saying felt like from a cookie fortune,
Special when she said she kept the light sabra safe in a lock box , yet the box was in plan sight near the main hall & the box wasn't locked. Even then Maz character felt like a rehash of Yoda character in some ways giving guidance.
- The ending of star wars 7 is similar to that of star wars 4 & star wars 6 when the base blows up. The whole film just felt like a rehash which is bad because might as well call it a new hope 2.0 , this film should of had something new & fresh.
- A Lot of the character arch felt rushed making most of them dum or just pointless being in the film other than canon fodder , this just make the film horrible to watch when you have character so hollow your losing any believe moments that happening.
The whole film just seem to lack any depth or substance making the characters very weak which is seriously bad for a star wars film , because it feel like it has no heart or soul put in the film.
- One problem with this film i did notice is a lot of feminist concept in this film , Scene with Han sole's millennium falcon Rey knowing more that Han about the ship she had no knowledge of .
When Finn try's to hold the hand of rey to help her she got offensive & said "i dont need a man to help me" this alone is feminist agenda , the fight with Rey beating Kylo Ren was seriously pushing the feminist agenda into a film it just come off tacky on screen.
- There is a lot of hypocritical diology between characters when They say something & doing the opposite.
- It was mention in the film that Snoke Seduced Kylo to the dark side , this is a complete copy of Anakin sky walker seduced by Darth sidious to the dark side in revenge of the sith.
- In one scene just after Ren kills Han , Ren got hit by Chewbacca bow-caster which would have put anyone down. Yet how was he able to just get back up when he wasn't wearing armour , this just made no sense what so ever pretty unrealistic.
- The inconsistency of when storm trooper are getting hit by the bow caster , half the troop went flying back when hit yet most flew forward. This inconsistency in a film is bad & just show lazy script writing in the film , it just like the law of gravity dont apply in this film.
- The Scene with the Sinking sands Rey mention in the film , when the tie fighter sank in the sand yet Finn was standing in front of it , logic would dictate he would be sinking too. This scene just didn't make sense what so ever.
- The Star killer Design in the film draining the sun is the biggest flaw in this film. Why? because Star killer is 3 time bigger than the death stars , yet the earth is 10 time bigger than the star killer.
So using logic draining a sun in that tiny exhausted point would take them years to drain a sun to fire the weapon , yet the film only took several hours to drain the sun. This doesnt make sense when you look at the size of the star killer to the sun size.
The other problem's is not just what ive mention in this article, it the whole political correctness agenda being pushed in the film with Rey being the only hero of the film who doesnt need help & can do everything a man can do with out help,
While Finn character the only black character that is shown as the typical guy using woman being a jerk & made to look dumb for not knowing what tape is.
Not to mention the scene when Ren turn to Finn didn't do anything just carried on walk into the ship , that scene alone made no sense as Ren clear sense a problem with this storm trooper but just ignored it like it was nothing.
If that had been vader he would have walked up to that trooper & said something not just ignore it & walk in to the ship. That just made no sense.
The whole film is just a visual spectacle with a lot of flaws , plots & inconsistency that just make star wars 7 the worst star wars film to hit our screen.
I now people will defend this film because it's Disney but you can't deny the facts that this film is poorly written & badly executed on screen.
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