Saturday, 22 December 2018

The Left are killing Hollywood

I normally don't like bringing this on up my website but this is something that needs to be said and im sure im, not the only the person that thinks this, that the left ideology from fenimst / SJW is ruining Hollywood and bringing it down with the political views.

Ive seen so many films just utterly fail because of this forced diversity and politically driven agenda to change the normal in there favour yet they have no interest in actually supporting this film because they never watch them. So what their game to completely destory Hollywood?

The rate they are going, there will be nothing for them to destory, as Hollywood won't be around if they continue to listen to the left agenda to change things. Let me make this perfectly clear im not against strong female role or diversity in films, what I am against is forcing the agenda, why because everytime a left ideology is forced in a film they flop in box office losing millions of dollars for the filmmaker and studios.

As a support of the film industry that I love I can't abide seeing film studios losing money because of some up jump snowflake with agenda forcing a political view in films that they don't even care about. If a film flop on its own for bad writing then that down to the studio, but if a film flops because of agenda pushing then that the left fault and the studio for listening to them.

They're not content with just film, in general, they going after comic book movies trying to force this political diversity crap down people trouts, trying to make establish character to suit and represent their demographic selves. Im sorry, this forced diversity is actually killing Marvel because of their comic book isnt selling because of forced diversity, what make these people think the film will do better?

A female lead in a film that works when you don't force that feminist ideology, for example, Wonder woman was a perfect example of a female lead in a film, showing a vulnerable but strong woman who fell in love with a man, none of that we hate men in the dialogue.

Not to mention perfect casting for wonder woman with Gal Godot as she loves her fans, she had fun with the role, she had a laugh with all the cast members, she was doing just for a paycheck, this is how you make a good female lead in a movie.

Bad example Ghostbuster 2016, and no before you say well im just being sexist no im not, reason that film utterly failed was that it wasn't because of a female cast, which yes didn't help the film, it was the fact the film was a mockery of ghostbuster in a Saturday night live sketch.

Not to mention bad cast and stereotype, black people shout a lot. This was not only unfunny but kind of racist as well, it was more like an advanced version of scooby doo in an SNL film, how Sony could've of allowed that film to hit the big screen is beyond me, this is why it failed because of the left ideology trying to make everything female.

This is what really stupid when it comes to the left ideology of we want more diversity in films, yet I couldn't make this more clear how must more diverse do you what Hollywood to be, because it seems like the left what to replace everything in there own ideology sadly to say, "NO ONE WANTS TO WATCH THAT CRAP" it why every film that has a forced diversity ive in it filmmaking or dialogue has failed or made people angry because they are sick of hearing it.

Fact: the is diversity in Marvel and DC yet these characters arnt popular, there are a lot of gay and black character in both comic book related that studios could use, but no the left want the popular character like Batman, Joker and Superman to be gay, black etc, although Superman was a black character in comic book its not as popular.

The left need to stop forcing their agenda because they are destroying Hollywood, like Starwars for another example, yes I know im preaching oh no not starwars hate again, but what you have to realise is that what disney has do pandering to the left ideology think that they will watch their films, is wrong because they don't care at all, all disney is doing is alienating its biggest fan base.

Disney Starwars had a great baseline with it we daisy playing Rey, right until the point there SJW/feminist dialogue crept in with I don't need a man to hold my hand. Really disney?

See Disney seem to think us true fans were burnt out with starwars, yet you couldn't be far from the truth, you honestly think it was because were burnt out no!!!! We I do mean we the true fans, not the people that just accept everything at face value, don't like what you have created because you not only dispected long cast character that made starwars for what it was, you turn the damn films into a politically driven starwars which never was starwars in the first place.

Any true fan of starwars would tell you that starwars was about an empire hell bent of conquering and enslaving the universe under an iron hand of the evil Sith lords and the last remaining Jedi and rebel fleet struggling to save the universe in a space opera, not a political agenda starwars.

Again left political agenda is not compatible with Hollywood films, and Hollywood should stop listen to the left because they are a minority not the majority of fans, if Hollywood studio continue to listen to these feminist ideologies and SJW ideology Hollywood gonna have a serious problem is few years with the number of flops because people will start to refuse watching films at the cinema.

 Like I said im a supporter of female lead there nothing wrong with a good strong female lead as long as you leave the fenimst agenda out of the film, which lasts bring me to Captain Marvel film.

Yes, I can see it now marvel fans trying to protect their precious films because nothing bad can be said about them blur blur blur, the truth of the matter is captain marvel, in my opinion, is gonna fall flat because of who they have cast as captain marvel. No offence to Brie Larson im sure she a lonely person, but her acting isnt great, her attitude is disgusting telling fans if they don't like the film don't watch it which is basically tell the fans to fuck off.

After watching the trailer for the film, it looks boring, why because what brought my attention was her fenimst attuide in the film, I know the character is meant to be a strong woman, but she no wonder woman, god, even Gal Godot was smiling in her films, Brie Larson looks like she lacking any emotion which makes the character look bad, which will be one reason it will fail with a lot of audiences, not sure if it the editing but the trailers just don't make the film look interesting which means the film could be bad.

Personally, if they want a female lead for the next phase in Marvel they have perfectly good choices, in the rush to compete with DC first female lead with wonder woman, it gonna backfire with who they cast but hay that just my opinion.

But Hollywood needs to keep political driven agendas out of films if they want to stay in business because right now people are starting to stand up and boycott films because of the left pushing their agendas in people faces.

what do you think, am I being a little too harsh or do you agree or have your own opinions?

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