Over the years we've seen so many hero and villain through the comic book source that we have loved and hated , yet one question keeps coming up in the light of MOS and BvS, Do Hero Kill people? The answer is yes some time's unintentionally, other time to no other choice to keep the earth safe.
So many people forget that other hero have killed yet when it come to batman and superman killing it's a no no , which is ignoring the fact that other character of these character's have killed.
There is a list of hero that have actually killed unintentionally or killed to keep the earth safe in comic books and film's.

Spider-Man Kills Gwen Stacy
The Amazing Spider-Man #121
After kidnapping Gwen Stacy and the ensuing fight with Spider-Man, Green Goblin threw Stacy over the side of a bridge, plunging her to her death. Not having enough time to swing down to her, Spider-Man shot some webbing down to grab her and the sudden stop snapped her neck.

Superman Kills Lois Lane
Injustice: Gods Among Us #1
After being gassed with fear toxin laced with kryptonite by the Joker, Superman thinks Lois Lane is Doomsday. It's only after he's taken her to space and killed her that the effects wear off and he sees the terrible action he's committed.

Speedball and the New Warriors Kill an Entire Town
Civil War #1
The New Warriors were looking for better ratings on their reality television show when they took on the criminals Nitro, Coldheart, Cobalt Man, and Speedfreek, but none of them were expecting how strong Nitro would be. During the battle, Nitro caused an explosion which obliterated the nearby town of Stamford, CT, and led to the superhero Civil War

Hawkeye Kills Egghead Avengers #229
Before the other Avengers can rescue him, Hank Pym single-handedly defeats the Masters of Evil and Egghead. As the other Avengers arrive and to celebrate the victory, Egghead tries to shoot Pym in the back, but has his gun barrel plugged by Hawkeye's arrow, causing it to explode and kill him.

Iron Man Sets Titanium Man On Fire
Iron Man #229
Iron Man faced off with Titanium Man as part of the "Armor Wars" storyline in which he battles all the villains believed to have suits based off designs stolen from him. While battling Titanium Man and Crimson Dynamo, Iron Man is able to take out the Crimson Dynamo but while trying to escape from Titanium Man his rocket boosters cause Titanium Man's suit to catch on fire and kill the man inside.

Barry Allen Kills Savitar
Flash: Rebirth #1
After the villain Savitar escapes from the Speed Force, Barry Allen races to catch up with him. When he touches Savitar, he withers and turns to dust, Barry having unknowingly become the "Black Flash," the speedster equivalent of Death.

Green Arrow Kills a Criminal (just like in the series Arrow)
Flash #217
(backup)A small-time criminal squares off against Green Arrow in an alley, and is killed when the arrow strikes his heart instead of his arm because Arrow's aim is off (due to a sore arm). The weight of the situation caused Green Arrow to give up crime fighting for a while

John Stewart Kills a Whole Planet
Cosmic Odyssey #2
Due to his arrogance and overconfidence, Green Lantern John Stewart dooms an entire planet to death when he can't stop a bomb set to destroy the planet.

Wolverine kills his first love
Wolverine: The Origin #6
More than most, Wolverine has seen a lot of his loved ones die. Likely worst among them was when he accidentally impaled his first love, Rose, during a fight with his brother dog

Jean Gray Kills Prism
X-Factor #10In a battle with the Marauders, Jean Grey accidentally kills the mutant Prism after telekinetically throwing him and his brittle body shattering into pieces.

Bruce Banner kills his father
The Incredible Hulk #-1
During an argument with his abusive father at his deceased mother's grave, Bruce Banner knocks his father back into his mother's gravestone, cracking his father's neck and killing him.

Super boy prime Decapitates Pantha
Infinite Crisis #4In the middle of the Teen Titans trying to break up a fight between Superboy and Superboy Prime, Superboy Prime accidentally backhands the Teen Titan Pantha, decapitating her in the process. The blow was so forceful that Pantha's head even knocked out Ambush Bug

Detective Comics #225
After being transported to Earth by an invention of the scientist Dr. Erdel, the Martian Manhunter demonstrates his powers for the Dr. The demonstration proves too much for Dr., shocking him so much that he has a heart attack, stranding the Martian Manhunter on Earth.

Wither Kills His Dad
New Mutants, Vol 2 #3
Kevin Ford, the mutant Wither, first manifested his power to decay organic matter on touch as a teenager. In a panic, his father attempted to comfort him, only to be reduced to dust
Detective Comics #34
seems that back in the day, Batman was not just content to beat up on thugs. Back in the early issues, he also tended to drive those same thugs into telephone poles or off cliffs, surely accidentally killing many of them.

Wonder Woman Snaps Maxwell Lord's Neck
In Wonder Woman #219, after Maxwell Lord orchestrates an elaborate plane to defame the Justice League by controlling Superman's mind and having him attack Wonder Woman and Batman, Wonder Woman discovers that the only way to stop a rampaging Superman is to stop Lord. Under the control of the Lasso of Truth, Lord reveals that he needs to die in order to break the spell over Superman.... and Wonder Woman is happy to oblige.

Wolverine Killed all the X-men
As part of the origin in Old Man Logan, the villians finally get their act together and figure out how to kill all the good guys in the Marvel Universe. For the X-Men, it meant having Mysterio trick Wolverine into believing all the X-Men were actually villains from his past. Went he was finally free of the spell it was too late.
Thor Zaps Goliath
In Civil War #4, the heroes of the Marvel Universe are all fighting over the Superhero Registration Act. Goliath was fighting in support of Captain America's anti-Registration team when he came up against a clone of Thor (long story) and a grisly demise.

Green Arrow Also Killed Prometheus
As part of the generally-regarded-as-awful Cry for Justice story line, Prometheus has already set off a bomb that completely devastated Green Arrow's home of Star City. Seeking justice, Green Arrow ambushes the villain at his lair and drives and arrow through his skull.
Marvel Boy Killed his father in new warriors 20
In New Warriors #20, having dealt with all the abuse from his bigoted father, Vance Astrovik finally snapped. Sick of the abuse and being called a 'freak', Vance unleashes on his father and the injuries eventually kill him.

Batman Left KG-Beast to die
Sure, the KGBeast didn't die (somehow) and got out, but there is little mistaking that Batman left the villain to die in Batman #420. After battling to a standstill, Batman walls the assassin in an underground vault and informs the police that they don't have to worry about the KGBeast any longer. Whoa, that is grim... even for Batman

Superman killed Doomsday
What do you think this fight ended with a handshake? Nope. It was in Superman #75 that the Man of Steel landed the killing blow on his strongest adversary to date before finally succumbing to his own injuries.

Fantomex Shoots a Young Apocalypse
You that age old question 'would you go back and time to kill the baby Hitler'? Well, Uncanny X-Force Vol. 1 #4 answered that question for you. After there is much debate over who should kill the newly reincarnated child-version of Apocalypse, it is Fantomex that does the dirty work and shots to boy in the head.
Phoenix Destroys a Whole Planet
Really, that was the whole crux of the Dark Phoenix Saga, wasn't it? Completely in control (and out of control) of the Phoenix, Jean Grey travels to the depths of the Universe and unleashes the full power of the Phoenix force on a solar system. That's why the Shi'ar tracked to her down in an attempt to bring her to justice.
Barry Allen snapped Zooms neck
Having been defeated by the Flash numerous times, Eobard Thawne decides to use his knowledge of Barry Allen's life to wreak havoc. First, he goes back in time and (sorta) kills Iris West. After Barry gets his life together and is about to remarry, Zoom reappears and attempts to kill the Flash's second wife. In Flash #324, in the struggle between the two speedsters, Flash slams Thawne's head into the ground a few times too many and snaps his next
Moon Knights cuts off Bushman's Face
Vengeance of the Moon Knight #6 is pretty straight forward on this. After and long and bloody battle on a rooftop, Moon Knight finally has the advantage on his enemy and decides to use this leverage to slice off his face and kill him.
Batman shoots Darkseid
Even Batman has to break the rules sometimes. In Final Crisis #6, Batman uses the very bullet designed by Darkseid to kill the other New Gods on the evil god himself, blowing a whole in the evil ruler's chest.

Star Boy Blows Away Kenz Nuhor
Adventure Comics #342 saw Star Boy killing Dream Girl's ex boyfriend Kenz Nuhor in self defense. Granted, Nuhor was kind of asking for it. The real bummer is that Star Boy violated the Legion's 'no killing' rule and was expelled from the group.

Cyclops Kills Xavier
Avengers vs.X-men~11 saw the once stalwart leader of leader of the x-men,cyclops,completely consumed with the maddening powers of the Phoenix force.When professor Xavier decided to step in and try to stop his star pupil, cyclops unleashed the phoenix's powers and ends up killing his mentor(and becomes a total dick in the fallout.)
Film wise

Hawkeye in Avengers
Hawkeye killed in the avengers taking the guys eye to open a vault.

Batman original & Batman Returns
Micheal Keaton
Batman guy one for the jokers henchmen in the bell tower pulling him from the edge and falling to he death in the original 1989 batman , Batman returns batman killed a clown with a bomb.

Nolan Batman Begins
Christian bale batman kills ra's al ghul by not saving him from the train that was about to crash also killed several in the temple explosion.

2016 BvS Ben Affleck's Batman
Killed several crimal throughout the film special a few in the warehouse scene.

The original superman 1979 Christopher reeves
Superman kill's zod in superman 2 throwing him to a icy grave.

Man of steel Henry Cavil superman
Superman kill's zod to protect a family and to protect the world because he would stop in the pursuit of creating a new krypton.

Iron man kills the person in the tank and kill's his former partner.

The Hulk in Avengers 2 age of ultron
Killed several soldiers as no human could with stand those punch's.

Captain america 3 civil war
Scarlet witch killed several people in the build explosion.

Huge Jackman Wolverine
Wolverine has killed several people throughout the x-men and wolverine films.

Ryan Reynolds - Dead pool
Dead pool kill's several people throughout the film.

Answer Garfield - Amazing spider man 2
Spiderman killed Gwen after trying to save her , just like in the comic book version spider man intervention snap her snap and spine.

Captain America original
captain america killed Nazi Germans working for hydra
These are just a few examples that even though you like to think hero are this shinning example of a boy scout , sadly its not the case hero's kill even it if unintentional or for the sake of the earth. But how quickly people forget these things when it come to this subject.
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