Witten by Movie Knights.
Yes ladies and Gentlemen you are reading this Title right, the cult classic Horror icon that said your all my children now want to be turn woke by 2020 woke culture generation. (slap the face and wake up from this nightmare).
This story comes from Bounding into to comic here the link if you want to read it: https://boundingintocomics.com/2020/07/23/robert-englund-claims-the-next-freddy-film-should-toy-with-a-kids-sexuality-and-have-a-focus-on-the-opioid-crisis/
According to News Robert Englund himself reportedly said The Next Freddy Film Should Toy With A Kid’s Sexuality And Have A Focus On The Opioid Crisis. HUH WTF?
He bascial saying that the new freddy film should be based on today woke culture with stuff like Tik tok saying it would be frightening for teenage to be stalked with a concept of using phones, (Is this guy losing his marbles).
Yes ladies and Gentlemen you are reading this Title right, the cult classic Horror icon that said your all my children now want to be turn woke by 2020 woke culture generation. (slap the face and wake up from this nightmare).
This story comes from Bounding into to comic here the link if you want to read it: https://boundingintocomics.com/2020/07/23/robert-englund-claims-the-next-freddy-film-should-toy-with-a-kids-sexuality-and-have-a-focus-on-the-opioid-crisis/
According to News Robert Englund himself reportedly said The Next Freddy Film Should Toy With A Kid’s Sexuality And Have A Focus On The Opioid Crisis. HUH WTF?
He bascial saying that the new freddy film should be based on today woke culture with stuff like Tik tok saying it would be frightening for teenage to be stalked with a concept of using phones, (Is this guy losing his marbles).

With all the woke film flopping and reboot and remark just failing why would you want to destroy a icon of horror like freddy Krueger. Not being funny if anyone in this generation thinks this is a good idea you seriously need to lock yourself up and throw away the key. Having freddy invade someone tik tok to further on take their souls is the most ridiculous thing ive hear and will not work for several reason, Freddy is a dream demon that was give ultimate power to invade a teen dream and terrorize them before killing them.
By the whole concept of freddy wasn't just about him being a Children killing serial killer that the parents killed, the main focus of freddy and why he had the power to invade the dreams in the first place was actually through sleep deprivation (which is a real medical condition in which you can die).

The Sleep Deprivation came around because studies with people that were sleep, were suffering with day dreams and illusions before slipping into a coma and bascial dying. The very condition happens when you arnt getting enough sleep you brain can function you start seeing things that you not sure your awake or dreaming, this is because you brain is bascial shutting down.
This is actually where the character of Freddy Krueger come into play, being a dream demon the only way to kill a teen was to make them fall asleep, who would do this by haunting you slowly in your dreams, giving you nightmares to the point you dont want to sleep, after a time you get sleep deprivation to where Freddy got you right where he wants you, this is what made Freddy Krueger feared and one of the most icon and recognized name in horror.

Changing freddy character to be the woke demon, possibly change His sexuallity, which im sorry being a pedophile is not a sexuality its a mental ill with the brain with immoral actions and thoughts i will not support it being called a sexuality.
This would destroy what Freddy character is, yes the story is very darker which in 2011 remark explored the dark pedophile side of the story which was extremely dark for the film, but then that was the nature of Freddy Krueger, his character was a sexual predator and serial kill of children, which is what made his character more disturbing that he was given the power to invade dreams to kill children in the sleep.

That in itself is more frightening knowing that you arnt safe, now that might make some people uncomfortable but its a horror film, it not meant to make you comfortable it might to scare to living crap out of you, sorry turn freddy "WOKE" is not frighting at all, especial thinking of using tik tok really its would flop so hard in the cinema because no one ill wont to watch that.
Those i do agree with today's technologies and making the film darker without the woke culture being involved, give freddy and New digital playground to get at teenagers in the modern era could work if done right while still keeping the dream element of the nightmares with a darker tone, then just maybe a New freddy film might work. But if you turn Freddy woke you just destroying an iconic character just to please a monity of audience that spend more time protesting on the streets then watching these films and you alienate the general audience who hate this political woke cancer culture.

What do you think, do you agree with Robert Englund in Freddy should go woke or Do you think that these film deserve better treatment?