Over the years as ive previous said so many time before that Hollywood seems to be going in this down would spiral of reboots and lack of imagination which has given ground for Too many Disney and Comic book films in the cinema.
Now to make thing worst The idiot jobless lazy morons that do nothing but protests on the street corner like a bunch of unpaid hookers calling for socialism and Communism gender-swapping crap has now suddenly crept into the film industry.
Now I have no problem with female leads none what so ever, let me make that clear, what I do have a problem with is this forced agenda to make every franchise that popular in the mainstream force a franchise that was written for a male character being change to a female lead role.
This is called Pandering and it a disgrace to woman that doesn't respect them as being strong females, all this is saying "oh you got the job because your a woman" because of the agenda behind it, which mean you not getting the job for your acting skills and what you can bring to the role, you just get role because your woman. This is a disgrace to woman who thinks this political gender-swapping politics is great.
What's even worst is Disney pandering to the Black community by Casting a Black Hip hop girl that was in one film that flop for Ariel, when there is plenty of white female actress that can sing that could play this role. This is nothing but Tokenism from Disney is a disgrace and pandering.
Furthermore, the new terminator film which I was actually looking forward to, is being Gender swapped for a future female leader role, which complete screw with the whole lure of the terminator story, instead of having this female lead something to do with Kyle Reese like his mother, instead they are replacing John Conner for a Woman just because they think a woman can do better agenda. which again is pandering.
Yet the go-to argument when calling this out is " oh you just hate woman" or its " oh you scare of female leads roles" which is an utter bullshit argument to make when us real movie goes don't want to sit through a film listen to some man-hating woman complaining men are useless and can do anything without woman bullshit, we go to watch a film to escape the real world, not pay to have the real world shove in our faces.
Alot of this Idiots seem to think these pander and the film making a ton of money make the films good which is another counter-argument some love to use which is laughable since money doesn't make the film good, it just counts toward how many people have seen the film.
What makes a good film is it Expedictition, concept writing and casting choices, because at the end of the day that all that count to whether its a make or break film, not money, when people start using this argument they've already lost the argument.
Why because Both the conjuring universe films and transformers franchise made a ton of money but where critical slam buy critic and fans, same with the Disney star wars which is a complete and utter mess yet it still made money, though one film flop the Disney star wars is still bad film critical because of mishandling and disrespect to original character which proves just because a film makes money doesn't make it good.
Hollywood needs to stop pandering to these idiots pushing agendas because sooner or later these film companies will start to lose money because people don't like having political views or pandering agenda in films, they go to watch a film to relax and escape the real world.
In an audience mind, why would they need to go to the cinema to watch a film and have political crap shove in their face when they can stay at home and listen to the news, this is why Cinema is started this incline of people not going to the cinema anymore because all they see at the cinema is Disney and marvel sadly it too much and not enough variety or other films.