Tuesday, 31 December 2019

2019 list of the best and Worst Films ive watched this year

Well it the end of 2019 ive see quiet alot of films this year so seriously bad, a few good films, few medicroe movies so here the list of the best and worst film of 2019 ive watched.

Best Films of 2019 in no order in personal opinion:

1. Atila Battle Angel
2. Shazam
3. John wick 3
4. Godzilla King of the monsters
5. Brightburn
6. Iam Mother
7. long shot
8. A Dog Journey
9. Crawl
10. IT chapter 2
11. Rambo last blood
12. joker
13. Maleficent 2
14. 21 bridges
15. 6 underground
16. playing with fire
17. Avengers: End Game

Worst films based on bad script writing:

1. Escape Room
2. Captain marvel
3. unfriended 2 dark web
4. Pet sematary
5. Hellboy
6. Aladdin
7. Xmen dark phoenix
8. Child play
9. Doom Annihilation
10. Starwars: Rise of the skywalker
11. Zombieland 2
12. Countdown
13. Terminator dark fate

Medicroe films that were ok but not great:

1. Glass
2. Happy death day 2 U
3. The kid who would be king
4. Cold pursuit
5.  US
6. spiderman far from home
7. pokemon the movie
8. The Curse of La Llorona
9: Lion King (live-action)
10. Hobb and Shaw
11. Jumanji 3 next level
12. Ad Astra
13. Gemini man
14. Doctor sleep
15. Angel has fallen

Biggest Successful movies of 2019: 

1. John wick 3 - $75 million budget - made $322 million
2. Once upon a time in Hollywood - $90 million budget -  made $372 million
3. US - $20 million budget - made $255 million
4. Hustlers - $20 million budget - made $156 million
5. How to train your dragon hidden world - $129 million budget - made $520 million
6. Hobb and shaw - $200 million budget - made $758 million
7. Aladdin - $183 million budget - made  $1.051 Billion
8. Joker - $55 million budget - made $1.061 billion
9. Toy story 4 - $200 million budget - made $1.073 billion
10. Frozen 2 - $115 million budget - made $1.1 billion
11. Captain marvel - $152 million budget - made $1.130 billion
12. spiderman far from home - $160 million budget - made $1.130 billion
13. The lion king(live action) $260 million budget - made $1.6 billion
14. Avengers End Game - $356 million budget - $2.790 billion 

 Biggest Flops of 2019:

1. Cats  - $95 million budget - made $12 million
2. The kid who would be king - $60 million budget - made $32 million
3. Hellboy - $50 million budget - made $41 million
4.  Xmen dark phoenix - $200 million budget - made $252 million
5. The Kitchen - $38 million budget - made $15 million
6. Terminator Dark fate - $185 million budget - made $261 million
7. Gemini man - $175 million budget - made $138 million
8. Doctor sleep - $45 million budget - made $68 million
9. Playmobil the movie - $40 million budget - made $13.8 million
10. Charlies Angels - $48 million budget - made $57.719 million 

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Disney Wants The Old Fandom of Starwars Back.

When I first saw an Article saying that disney knows they're in trouble and want the Original fandom back go figure, I know I should be taking this serious but im sorry I seriously have to laugh so hard at this irony.

You probley think what funny about this? well alot of us have been passionate die-hard fans of starwars since a young age from maybe the 70s and 80s were grow up on George Lucus vision of starwars that we the true fans fell in love with.

Then Along comes disney buying the IP that is clearly too big for them to handle and havent got a clue what they are going with it. For the past 4 years all they have done is destory what use to be starwars and replaced it with Toxic SJW fandom turning starwars into nothing but political agenda franchise, where true fans have had to put up with being called sexist, trolling Alt-right man baby for standing up against something that is being ruined by these toxic sjw for political gain.

Alot of the Comment like you hate starwars because you hate strong woman, Mmmmm name one strong woman in starwars other than the late Carrie fisher character, because if this toxic fandom thinks Rey is a strong female character they are completely delusional and out of touch with reality.

I'm pretty sure i'l get some toxic idiot say oh you just hate woman the usual comment that gets thrown around so much it becomes boring to here, and no I don't hate strong female role, I hate Mary sue characters because it represents a woman in the wrong way like you have to prove a woman is strong instead of actually giving the character a heros journey of overcoming adversity and darkest that shape them into a strong person  there is a difference.

A mary sue character all you are doing is giving someone something they haven't earned, no human traits, no compelling or emotional concept, you just given them something without working for it, this is the mental reality of toxic fandom which is destroying not just the starwars franchise but Hollywood as well.

I mean how many time do you have to see that make a film to score a political point by gender-swapping to prove a point woman are better than men only to have that film massive flop and losing the film company million make a poorly scripted and written film.

Hell even disney starwars is being used now how not to write a script in a film that bad enough, even worst disney own starwars star are quitting because they know the film is trash they don't want to work for someone who only sees money and not making screen play work.

In the space of 4 years, disney has utterly destroyed the starwars franchise because they put people in charge that have injected their own political agendas in the films which is why they are flopping. Now all these toxic sjw fans can call us alt-right man baby all day if they like but they fail to see that a lot of female fans hate disney starwars as well because they know just like us male fan that disney starwars isn't the starwars we grow upon.

You can say "well these films arent for you" Really well than us true fans don't have to spend our money on watch this crap which sorry it is because nothing but a mary sue political agenda-driven starwars that has been utterly ruined by toxic political driven people.

Going to the cinema or watching a film is about escapism, escaping the real world for couple of hours after having a hard day or just to relax and watch a good movie, what they don't want is having someone pushing their agenda in their faces when they can just sit at home and watch the news and get it there.

No one wants to sit through a two and half hour film listen to someone woman saying she doesn't need a man or throwing some toxic sexist comment out men being useless and Yes it works both ways.

If Disney wants us true fans to love starwars again, which I think at this point you lost us after the Last Jedi and calling us Toxic fandom when clear you have zero clues how to handle the IP, you just saw the dollar signs on a big franchise.

You truly want us true fans back simple stop catering to the SJW fenimst toxic agenda-driven people and start making starwars better written, get rid of Katherine Kennedy and get Dave Filoni to replace her because he doing a better job with the Mandalorian series that she is with the starwars franchise.

Stop listening to these fenimst agenda-driven people and start to listen to the truly passionate fans of starwars like the fandom menace, Anna that starwars girl and Geek and Gamers and other true fans like myself.

We only want starwars to be treated with the respect this franchise has given us as children growing up and respecting George Lucas's legacy because its something we grow upon, we're fed up with these agenda-driven people destroy our fandom for there selfish political driven attitude and call us name because we call it out.

If this continues no one is gonna win the companies will lose money, the franchise gets shut down, the company gets shut down it a no-win situation because people are getting fed up with this political agenda in Hollywood being shoved in our faces which only results in the film flopping hard and losing millions. (Examples) Ghostbuster 2016, Charlie angels, Terminator dark fate, Han solo a star wars story when are you gonna get it that no one will go to the cinema to watch a film that is politically Motivated in a fan base film.

You can keep on with this stupid narrative your just an alt-right man baby, toxic fandom or this film isn't for you well we don't have to spend our money and support your crap ive. if you want us to watch your films "STOP PUTTING POLITICAL AGENDAS IN MOVIES" or face a Flop and lose millions your choice Disney and Hollywood.

This is Movie Knights I have spoken.

Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Hollywood has a pandering problem

Over the years as ive previous said so many time before that Hollywood seems to be going in this down would spiral of reboots and lack of imagination which has given ground for Too many Disney and Comic book films in the cinema.

Now to make thing worst The idiot jobless lazy morons that do nothing but protests on the street corner like a bunch of unpaid hookers calling for socialism and Communism gender-swapping crap has now suddenly crept into the film industry.

Now I have no problem with female leads none what so ever, let me make that clear, what I do have a problem with is this forced agenda to make every franchise that popular in the mainstream force a franchise that was written for a male character being change to a female lead role.

This is called Pandering and it a disgrace to woman that doesn't respect them as being strong females, all this is saying "oh you got the job because your a woman"  because of the agenda behind it, which mean you not getting the job for your acting skills and what you can bring to the role, you just get role because your woman. This is a disgrace to woman who thinks this political gender-swapping politics is great.

What's even worst is Disney pandering to the Black community by Casting a Black Hip hop girl that was in one film that flop for Ariel, when there is plenty of white female actress that can sing that could play this role. This is nothing but Tokenism from Disney is a disgrace and pandering.

Furthermore, the new terminator film which I was actually looking forward to, is being Gender swapped for a future female leader role, which complete screw with the whole lure of the terminator story, instead of having this female lead something to do with Kyle Reese like his mother, instead they are replacing John Conner for a Woman just because they think a woman can do better agenda. which again is pandering.

Yet the go-to argument when calling this out is " oh you just hate woman" or its " oh you scare of female leads roles" which is an utter bullshit argument to make when us real movie goes don't want to sit through a film listen to some man-hating woman complaining men are useless and can do anything without woman bullshit, we go to watch a film to escape the real world, not pay to have the real world shove in our faces.

Alot of this Idiots seem to think these pander and the film making a ton of money make the films good which is another counter-argument some love to use which is laughable since money doesn't make the film good, it just counts toward how many people have seen the film.

What makes a good film is it Expedictition, concept writing and casting choices, because at the end of the day that all that count to whether its a make or break film, not money, when people start using this argument they've already lost the argument.

Why because Both the conjuring universe films and transformers franchise made a ton of money but where critical slam buy critic and fans, same with the Disney star wars which is a complete and utter mess yet it still made money, though one film flop the Disney star wars is still bad film critical because of mishandling and disrespect to original character which proves just because a film makes money doesn't make it good. 

Hollywood needs to stop pandering to these idiots pushing agendas because sooner or later these film companies will start to lose money because people don't like having political views or pandering agenda in films, they go to watch a film to relax and escape the real world.

In an audience mind, why would they need to go to the cinema to watch a film and have political crap shove in their face when they can stay at home and listen to the news, this is why Cinema is started this incline of people not going to the cinema anymore because all they see at the cinema is Disney and marvel sadly it too much and not enough variety or other films.       

Monday, 3 June 2019

If Rumour Are True Terminator Dark Fate is Already Dead

Let me just say this I have no problem with Female main Lends as long as there are No gender political motives behind it, which feels like this new terminator dark fate could be.

Note this is a rumor or potential SPOILERS for Terminator: Dark Fate story so read ahead at you own risk if you wish to know the pilot.

Being a Terminator Fan watching both Terminator 1 and Terminator 2 judgment day, ive come to be a fan of the franchise, although rushed the film after T2, with a poorly made T3 and even further with the salvation which wasn't bad, it just stop any other film from being done. Then they tried to reboot the franchise with Terminator Genisys which flop which has cause a slow downfall of the franchise.

Now a few years later we get the news that James Cameron has returned to make another Terminator film, but this time he's decided to scrap the three films from canon after T2, so Terminator 3, terminator salvation and Genisys are no longer canon.

So those events no longer exist in the Canon Terminator lure. Then the first picture of the new Terminator date fate showed up, which has caused quite a stir as the picture only show Arnold and Mckenzie, Natalia Reyes and  Linda Hamilton. Rumour starts to spread that this might be a feminist-driven film.

See my hope was that wasn't true and that Dani Ramos was something to do with being Kyle Reese mother. Only new Rumour has just come up that has just destroyed my hope or hype for the film.

It seems a rumor has come to light about the plot of Dark Fate which I hope to hell is just a rumor and that people fears of this franchise being turn into a Gender political driven film isnt true, that it's swapping an Establish Lure from Terminator 1 that john conner is the leader of mankind who lead the human race back from the brink of extermination for a female Leader.

This is the rumor that now going around:

Terminator 2: Judgement Day saw Sarah Connor, John Connor, and the T-800 wipe out Cyberdyne, the company responsible for Skynet. The T-1000 was sent back in time to take out John Connor in the movie and ultimately failed. In Terminator: Dark Fate, there is no Skynet and it reportedly takes place in an alternate timeline after the events of Judgement Day. The new threat is allegedly called Legion, who has sent back a new Terminator to kill John Connor, who is reportedly in the movie, but not for long.

Look familiar Disney starwars creating a new villain that just comes out of nowhere!  Not to meant the biggest insult swap a male lead franchise just to pandering to the gender  Political feminist agenda if this rumor is true.

If this is true, I guarantee this film will flop on that alone because you are not only dispecting a beloved franchise that people love and have been fans for a long time with, you complete scrapping a lure that has established the film for agenda pushing lure.

This is what I have a problem with This bullshit Gender political crap in Hollywood destroying Beloved franchise because they can't be bothered to make their own so they go after a big fan based movies thinking that a lot of people are gonna watch this, GUESS WHAT?

The people you are pandering to don't watch films, they spent all their time of the street protests which mean you're alienating 70% of your audience pushing some Gender political bullshit. in you're filming. 

We don't go to the movies to watch some woman on the screen saying they hate men or say men are Useless and can't do anything without a woman bullshit, we get enough of that in real life. We come to the movie to escape all that crap and relax. STOP PANDERING TO GENDER POLITICAL FEMINIST!!!!

If this rumor is True then sadly it One film this year im boycotting because I hate when a franchise gets to turn into a political one, I don't think we should support this type of film. I'm hoping the rumors are wrong, but I guarantee this is gonna piss off 70% of the fans franchise.

If I hear well it not for you it for this generation, please do yourself a favor and think before you open your mouth because this franchise was maybe out before you were ever born and has been one of the biggest fan franchise since the 80s God is nothing sacred these days.