Aspen penal penitentiary over the year has housed over 1000's of criminals including the great gangster himself Al copone who could be heard screaming every night as he was seeing the ghost of his former friend he murder spooky right, but it doesn't just stop there.
For many years now this prison has been shut down & emptied for several years , but is it really empty ? For quite some time now this building has become a tour attraction for people all over the world run by a few staff , but the strangest thing of all is why the staff wont stay to lock up after 5pm.
This has been told by meany of the staff that work in the building that they refuse to stay after 5pm and they try to lock up everything before this time , now your thinking why ? what got them so scared about this place they refuse to stay when it gets dark ?
Well it is well known that this place is home to over 185 ghosts to which some have been reported to make themselves known to iver staff or tourist, some report to have been touched other report a dark shadow figure walking the corridors.
This year now this place has been the center of many paranormal investigator including world famous TV Ghost Adventures & Ghost Hunters , but how scary is this place well here is the most scariest thing to actually happen within these hollow wall's is start with a lock smith doing his job.
One morning a lock smith was called in to fix a lock on one of the cell doors , now bear in mind this was 5am in the morning where its just barely light. Of course as a lock smith he's busy sort the lock when he hears something walking down the corridor as he in direct eye sight of the corridor to where the door is.
Accord to what this guy said and be-warned this will give you the chills , in his report as he was working on the lock he could see someone walking down the corridor towards him , now him thinking it was just staff as usual he carried on with the lock.
But he felt like something was off , so he look again down the corridor what he said he saw was a figure walking toward him , he could make out who it was but then suddenly & slowly started disappearing in front of his eye , now at this point he said that his nerve were already on edge seeing this but what happen next will shock you.
He describe just after he saw this figure disappear in from of him he could here talking coming from above him , what he saw when he looked up was a pair of eyes starring at him saying "we are watching you" clearly at this point he's drop his tool run for the exit never went back for his tool's. A member of staff that came in early said He was found in the tea room scared out of his mind rambling "im not going back in that build ever again". funny thing is this actually happen for real.
Aspen penal penitentiary hold many dark secrets..........but dare you brave the night in these hollow walls knowing this happened , i for one would not.